BASIC TERMS PURCHASE “ It’s an act of obtaining an article by making payment in terms of money or its equivalent,to buy for a price”. Inventory “It’s an itemised list of goods with their estimated worth.”
Considering this pharmacist should carry the purchasing of drugs. WHO SHOULD PURCHASE DRUGS AND PHARMACEUTICALS-PHARMACIST OR PURCHASING OFFICER The pharmaceuticals and related items form a speciality which requires technical skills of a properly trained individuals for their proper selection and purchase.(pharmacist) Considering this pharmacist should carry the purchasing of drugs. But In large hospitals with centralized purchasing unit, the pharmacist and the purchasing officer should work in collaboration with each other and each recognizing the importance of the function if the other.
Role of purchasing officer in drug procurement Role of purchasing officer for drug procurement vary from small to large hospitals. In small hospitals purchasing functions may be a part time and may be handled by administrartor and he may have person like storekeeper. In large hospitals where purchasing functions is full time work the following duties should be performed by purchasing officer. Issuing purchase orders. Maintaining purchase records. Follow up on the orders which are delayed. Obtaining quotations from specified sources.
ROLE OF PHARMACIST IN DRUG PUCHASING In India many hospitals drug purchase is still in hands of junior medical officer. Now there are some changes in policy which are engaging pharmacist in purchasing of drug. Pharmaceuticals for hospital use may be purchased in one of the following ways: By direct purchase from the manufacturer and/or whole seller. By inviting tender from manufacturer or wholesalers. For emergency purchases, from a local retail drug store. By a contract purchase arrangements with manufacturer.
Procedure for Purchasing Drugs Purchase Request Form Quotation Invitation Purchase Order Form Return of Goods
1. Purchase Request Form The pharmacist or a person authorized by him should complete a purchase request form. This form provides the purchase department with the data concerning description specifications, packing, price quantity needed and also information about the inventory balance and anticipated monthly use.
2. Quotation Invitation On receipt of “request for purchase”, invites competitive rates (quotations) from different suppliers. To prevent delay in supply, an annual rate contract can also be undertaken.
3. Purchase Order Form The purchase officer scrutinizes quotations received, checks the quality expected to be supplied in consultation with pharmacists and prepares a purchase order. The purchase order may take the form of any different type- it may consist of two page or a many page or a many page “snap out” form. However, a multi-copy snap out form is suitable as it provides a copy for the supplier, accounts department, purchasing number file, department which has sent the purchase requisition, two receiving reports and a copy which indicates the history of the purchase.
4. Return of Goods If for any reason, any portion of the articles received are to be returned to the supplier a “Returned Goods Memorandum” must be prepared because it is by its means that the hospital can be assured of receiving credit for the goods. This form is of the snap out type and provides four copies first to account department, second to the purchasing officer, third to the store room, fourth to the pharmacy and the supplier.