Medical Terminology
Abbreviations Stat - immediately VS - vital sign Rx - prescription prn - as needed HS - hour of sleep (bedtime) NPO - nothing by mouth po - by mouth bid - twice a day q2h - every 2 hours > - greater than DNR – Do Not Resuscitate < - less than amb - ambulate, walk mg - milligram mL - milliliter L - liter cc - cubic centimeter tsp - teaspoon EKG – electrocardiogram -is a test that checks for problems with the electrical activity of your heart EEG –electroencephalogram -a test that detects electrical activity in your brain using small, flat metal discs (electrodes) attached to your scalp Abbreviations
Root Words aden - gland arter - artery arthr - joint bio - life bronch - bronchial tube carcin - cancerous cardi - heart cephal - head cerebr - cerebrum chem - drug, chemical chol - gall, bile cost - ribs cyst - cysts, bladder, fluid sac cyt - cell derm - skin enter - intestines erythro - red gast - stomach gingiv - gums gloss - tongue Root Words
Root words hem - blood hepat - liver hydro - water hyster - uterus, womb lingu - tongue lith - stone myo - muscle nephr – kidney oto – ear osteo – bone mamm – breast ren - kidney neur - nerve ocul - eye ophthalm - eye pneum - lung, air, gas psych - mind rhin - nose thorac - chest trach – trachea cranio – skull oophor - ovary Root words
Prefixes a, an - without anti - against bi - two, both brady - slow contra - against dys - painful, difficult endo - inside epi - upper, above ex - out, from hemi - half hyper - above, more than hypo - below - less than inter - between intra - inside, within leuko - white micro - small neo - new peri - around poly - many, much post – after, behind Prefixes
Prefixes pre - before, in front of pro -forward semi - half sub - below tach - fast Prefixes
Suffixes algia - pain centesis - surgical puncture ectomy - removal of emia - blood genetic, genic - origin, source gram - picture, record graphy - picture, record ic - pertaining to it is - inflammation, swelling lysis - destruction megaly - enlarged ologist - specialist ology - study of oma - tumor orrhea - flow, discharge osis - condition of otomy - cut into path - disease phobia - fear plasty - surgical repair plegia - paralysis Suffixes
Suffixes sclerosis - hardening scope - picture spasm - contraction stasis – stop, control uria – urine penia – deficiency of Suffixes