Transforming the organ donation and transplantation pathway Making it Safer, Simpler, Supportive with the Hub Programme Anne Sheldon – Head of Referral and Offering
Why do we need to change? Increased deceased and living donor numbers including more older donors and patients with greater comorbidities. A drive to further increase donations through the TOT2020 Strategy. An exponentially growing database of post transplant patients. Stakeholder requirements for faster, relevant and responsive services and systems. You wanted systems that: guide users through safe automated processes provide a real time interaction and national view of proceeding cases sufficient and timely information to make informed decisions support collaboration and standardisation reduce administrative burden provide management information Safer, Simpler, Supportive
Must we change? Duty Office: Performs an essential function, with critical and complex processes Supported by increasingly out-dated technology, inc. NTxD Manual process steps and reliance on memory Increased activity will increase risks Transformation is the key to delivering the TOT2020 strategy
Our Vision A simpler, safer, responsive service that supports clinicians in matching world class performance in organ donation and transplantation, with a clinically led 24/7 support centre at its core and renewed technology as its foundation. Safer, Simpler, Supportive
The Hub capabilities are intended to: Be safer and simpler The Hub capabilities are intended to: Be safer and simpler. Reflect the core values of NHSBT Build upon the commitment, knowledge, skills of our teams. Enable realisation of the ambitions laid out in TOT 2020. Progressively release more time for front-line clinicians to care for patients and families. Enable responsiveness to the needs of colleagues and partners. Create capacity to continuously develop the Service. Preserve equity in matching and allocation. Optimise timescales, resources and organ utilisation Enhance accessibility and auditability. Can respond effectively to advances in clinical practice and Information Technology.
Where do we start? We have defined these specific areas to structure the work: Organ Donation and Transplantation Pathway Potential Donor Referral Transplant List Transplant Follow-up Consent and Characterisation Matching and Offering Retrieval and Transplant New NHSBT IT Platforms Safer, Simpler, Supportive
How we are working
Transplant List Discovery What have we done so far? Transplant List Discovery Cross Region Referral Pilot Safer, Simpler, Supportive 9
Matching and Offering New allocation schemes can be delivered safely and quickly on a new IT system. The system guides the user through the offering process So far: The new heart allocation scheme was implemented using the new technology on Wednesday 26 October. This includes the new Super-Urgent Heart Allocation Scheme and the revised Urgent Heart Allocation Scheme. This implementation has enabled the ODT Duty Office to register all (super) urgent heart patients online removing the need to write information on a white board, making the process safer for all. The use of a new IT platform has also allowed us to automate 20 manual steps in the process
Matching and Offering – next steps Next we will be developing and testing the Super- urgent/urgent lung allocation scheme. We will be taking advantage of this development to carry out knowledge transfer to the organisation from our implementation partners. We have work underway which will ensure that the system can guide users safely through processes The technology allows for visual management of work outstanding and automatic prioritisation of tasks.
Transplant List Centres will safely register their patients, manage the status of that registration and view a list of all their patients online. So far: We have now procured technology that best suits our needs in developing a transplant list – a Customer Relationship Management system We were able to demonstrate what a transplant list might look like and showed the capabilities of this new technology at a workshop in September Representatives from the transplant community helped us to understand current issues and gave valuable feedback on high level design.
Transplant list – next steps Develop replacement for the Super-Urgent daily list. First functionality will be Super Urgent Liver followed by Super Urgent Heart. Develop and test the look and feel of accessing the transplant list in the new system and demonstrate at user experience workshops for further feedback. As we roll this out we will test with our users how best to access the functionality they need to do their day to day jobs.
The Road Ahead We haven’t planned to the end of the journey Discovery and design, working with partners Year 3 Business Case to prepare If you have questions or ideas please email:
Thank you for listening Any questions? safer, simpler, supportive 16