The Eyewitness Evidence Did the Gospel writers really see what they say?
Irenaeus ~A.D. 182-188 Against Heresies 3.1.1 Matthew published his gospel among the Hebrews (i.e. Jews) in their own tongue, when Peter and Paul were preaching the gospel in Rome and founding the church there. After their departure (i.e. death, which strong tradition places at the time of the Neronian persecution in AD 64),… Is the Bible True . . . Really?: A Dialogue on Skepticism, Evidence, and Truth (The Coffee House Chronicles) (Kindle Locations 1004-1009). Moody Publishers. Kindle Edition.
Irenaeus ~A.D. 182-188 Against Heresies 3.1.1 Mark, the disciple and interpreter of Peter himself handed down to us in writing the substance of Peter’s preaching. Luke, the follower of Paul, set down in a book the gospel preached by his teacher. Then John, the disciple of the Lord, who also leaned on his breast (this is a reference to John 13:25 and 21:20) himself produced his Gospel, while he was living at Ephesus in Asia. Is the Bible True . . . Really?: A Dialogue on Skepticism, Evidence, and Truth (The Coffee House Chronicles) (Kindle Locations 1004-1009). Moody Publishers. Kindle Edition.
How Early?
How Early? Clement
How Early? Clement Peter & Paul
How Early? Clement Peter & Paul A.D. 95, Rome
How Early? Clement Peter & Paul A.D. 95, Rome Ignatius
How Early? Clement Peter & Paul A.D. 95, Rome Ignatius John the apostle
How Early? Clement Peter & Paul A.D. 95, Rome Ignatius John the apostle A.D. 107, Smyrna
How Early? Clement Peter & Paul A.D. 95, Rome Ignatius John the apostle A.D. 107, Smyrna Polycarp
How Early? Clement Peter & Paul A.D. 95, Rome Ignatius John the apostle A.D. 107, Smyrna Polycarp John the apostle
How Early? Clement Peter & Paul A.D. 95, Rome Ignatius John the apostle A.D. 107, Smyrna Polycarp John the apostle A.D. 110, Smyrna
How Early? Clement Peter & Paul A.D. 95, Rome Matthew Mark Luke Ignatius John the apostle A.D. 107, Smyrna Polycarp John the apostle A.D. 110, Smyrna
How Early? Clement Peter & Paul A.D. 95, Rome Matthew Mark Luke Ignatius John the apostle A.D. 107, Smyrna Matthew Mark Luke John Polycarp John the apostle A.D. 110, Smyrna
How Early? Clement Peter & Paul A.D. 95, Rome Matthew Mark Luke Ignatius John the apostle A.D. 107, Smyrna Matthew Mark Luke John Polycarp John the apostle A.D. 110, Smyrna Matthew Mark Luke John
How Early? Clement Peter & Paul A.D. 95, Rome Matthew Mark Luke Ignatius John the apostle A.D. 107, Smyrna Matthew Mark Luke John Polycarp John the apostle A.D. 110, Smyrna Matthew Mark Luke John Romans 1 Corinthians Ephesians 1 Timothy Hebrews 1 Peter
Acts – A History Proper port to port travel (13.4-5; 14.25) Note about the sailor’s landmark Samothrace (16.11) Location of the river Gangites outside Philippi (16.13) Altar to an “unknown god” in Athens (17.23) Death sentence for Gentiles in the temple (21.28) Antipatris as a stopping point to Caesarea (23.31) Tendency for south winds to change to northeasters (27.13) Correct water depth off Malta and word for measuring (27.28) I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Athiest, Pg. 256-259
John – A History Archaeology confirms the place of Jacob’s well (4.6) Location and description of the pool of Bethesda (5.2) Exactly 15 stadia from Jerusalem to Bethany (11.18) The Jews exclaiming, “We have no king but Caesar!” (19.15) Flow of blood and water from spear piercing (19.34) I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Athiest, Pg. 263-268
Internal Evidence 1. Embarrassing details about themselves Failed to understand Jesus (Mark 9.32; Lk. 18.34) Fell asleep on Jesus twice in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mark 14.32-42) All abandon Him; Peter denies Jesus 3 times (Mk. 14.50, 66-72) They doubt His resurrection (Matt. 28.17; John 20.24,25)
Internal Evidence 1. Embarrassing details about themselves 2. Difficult details and sayings of Jesus Not believed by his own brother (John 7.5) Deserted by his followers (John 6.66) Crucified, and therefore under God’s curse (Deut. 21.23) “The father is greater than I” (John 14.28) Unable to do many miracles in his hometown (Mark 6.5) “eat my flesh…and drink my blood” (John 6.53)
Internal Evidence 1. Embarrassing details about themselves 2. Difficult details and sayings of Jesus 3. Demanding sayings of Jesus “but I say to everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Matt. 5.28) “but I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except for the reason of unchastity, makes her commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.” (Matt. 5.32)
Internal Evidence 1. Embarrassing details about themselves 2. Difficult details and sayings of Jesus 3. Demanding sayings of Jesus “But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 5.44, 45) “Therefore you are are to be perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect.” (Matt. 5.48)
Internal Evidence 1. Embarrassing details about themselves 2. Difficult details and sayings of Jesus 3. Demanding sayings of Jesus 4. Details about the Resurrection they would not have invented
Internal Evidence 1. Embarrassing details about themselves 2. Difficult details and sayings of Jesus 3. Demanding sayings of Jesus 4. Details about the Resurrection they would not have invented The burial of Jesus by Joseph of Arimethea (Lk. 23.50-56)
Internal Evidence 1. Embarrassing details about themselves 2. Difficult details and sayings of Jesus 3. Demanding sayings of Jesus 4. Details about the Resurrection they would not have invented The burial of Jesus by Joseph of Arimethea (Lk. 23.50-56) First witnesses as women (Lk. 24.10)
Internal Evidence 1. Embarrassing details about themselves 2. Difficult details and sayings of Jesus 3. Demanding sayings of Jesus 4. Details about the Resurrection they would not have invented The burial of Jesus by Joseph of Arimethea (Lk. 23.50-56) First witnesses as women (Lk. 24.10) The explanation of the Jews (Matt. 28.11-15)
Internal Evidence 1. Embarrassing details about themselves 2. Difficult details and sayings of Jesus 3. Demanding sayings of Jesus 4. Details about the Resurrection they would not have invented 5. Abandon sacred beliefs and refuse to recant their testimony upon pain of death
Internal Evidence 1. Embarrassing details about themselves 2. Difficult details and sayings of Jesus 3. Demanding sayings of Jesus 4. Details about the Resurrection they would not have invented 5. Abandon sacred beliefs and refuse to recant their testimony upon pain of death Animal sacrifices (Heb. 9.13,14)
Internal Evidence 1. Embarrassing details about themselves 2. Difficult details and sayings of Jesus 3. Demanding sayings of Jesus 4. Details about the Resurrection they would not have invented 5. Abandon sacred beliefs and refuse to recant their testimony upon pain of death Animal sacrifices (Heb. 9.13,14) Binding of Mosaic Law (Acts 15)
Internal Evidence 1. Embarrassing details about themselves 2. Difficult details and sayings of Jesus 3. Demanding sayings of Jesus 4. Details about the Resurrection they would not have invented 5. Abandon sacred beliefs and refuse to recant their testimony upon pain of death Animal sacrifices (Heb. 9.13,14) Binding of Mosaic Law (Acts 15) Worship of the man Jesus (Matt. 14.33; Rev. 5.12)
Internal Evidence 1. Embarrassing details about themselves 2. Difficult details and sayings of Jesus 3. Demanding sayings of Jesus 4. Details about the Resurrection they would not have invented 5. Abandon sacred beliefs and refuse to recant their testimony upon pain of death Animal sacrifices (Heb. 9.13,14) Binding of Mosaic Law (Acts 15) Worship of the man Jesus (Matt. 14.33; Rev. 5.12) To death (Acts 4.19,20)