Monday September 11, 2017 In your SIN, update the following in your table of contents: Bell Work Q1W3 (pages 9-10) Gospel Lab (pages 11-12) Who ruled Galilee at the time of Jesus’ birth? Each Gospel is like a different _____________ of Jesus. When done with bell work, write in your assignments for the week.
Matthew The writer is Matthew (Also known as Levi) Matthew was a disciple & apostle of Jesus whose occupation was a tax collector. The book is written for Jewish readers – it consists of many references/prophesies of the OT, claiming that they are fulfilled in Christ and surrounding Christ. Matthew focuses on Jesus as the Messiah King and Son of David. The book is divided as follows: Geneology & birth of Christ The acts & words of John the Baptist preparing the way for the Messiah The words & works of Christ The death, resurrection, & final command of Christ for his followers to make disciples of all nations.
Mark Mark was a disciple of Peter, making his gospel essentially Peter’s gospel. His gospel is short & fast-moving, with its main audience being persecuted Christians. His focus is on Jesus as the Son of God and God’ servant, who is the Redeemer. It details the actions of Christ more so than his teaching. The book is divided as follows: Prologue The identity of Jesus The sufferings of Jesus Epilogue
Luke Luke was a doctor and traveled with Paul. Luke’s gospel is the longest NT book Luke’s gospel focuses on Jesus as a savior & friend for all: sinners, the poor, women, & Samaritans. The book is divided as follows: Prologue and Infancy Narrative Preparation for Jesus’ Ministry The Ministry of Jesus in Galilee Jesus’ Journey to Jerusalem The Final Days of Jesus
John John was an apostle of Christ & one of the first five disciples. He likely wrote the book to Christians defending their faith. John was an eyewitness of the works and teachings of Christ and his main focus was Christ is the Word of God incarnate. This gospel was the last to be written and has the style of a deep religious poem w/ long speeches (discourses) & stories not found in the other gospels. The book is divided as follows: Prologue Jesus’ Signs & Works The Upper Room Discourse The Passion of Jesus Epilogue: Restoration of Peter