Borough of West Chester Wastewater Department
The objective of this presentation is to justify the filling of the 3 vacant positions at the Taylor Run WWTP. One (1) Laborer position – Employee was terminated for unsafe work habits and failure to follow instructions. (Terminated 3/15) One (1) Operator position – Employee was terminated for due to medical issues, employee could not perform job duties. (Terminated 11/1/16) One (1) Laborer position – Employee resigned to move out of the area. (Resigned 8/11/17)
Wastewater department overview The Wastewater plants are staffed 7 days a week from 7:30am -3:30pm, 365 days per year. 24hr. Emergency call-out systems are in place to contact employees for responses after hours if events such as power outages, chlorine leak, high flow, blower shut down and pump station (in plant) failure. Both plants are run by PADEP driven NPDES permits and USEPA requirements. All employees are encouraged to become PADEP Licensed Operators. Employees that are not Operators, cannot make process control changes without obtaining permission from an Operator first. All Operators are held accountable for their actions, if a violation of any kind happens and the PADEP finds any negligence has occurred, not only will the Borough be fined, the individual operator could face license suspension, monetary fine and even ENCARCERATION. Not all plants are operated and licensed the same, the Taylor Run WWTP, is an anaerobic/fixed media plant requiring a PADEP “B, subclass 2” license. The Goose Creek WWTP is an activated sludge plant requiring a PADEP “B, subclass 1” license. The Taylor Run and Goose Creek Laboratories are both certified Labs with the PADEP laboratory accreditation department. Both plant superintendents are also lab supervisors which oversee the compliance of each plants lab.
Wastewater Organizational Chart Wastewater Dept. Director Kevin Oakes Goose Creek WWTP Superintendent Sean Mitchell Maintinance Foreman Paul Tucci Operator Tech. Ed Jamieson Operators Mike Polito Matt Mattia Rick Simon Eric Johnson Laboratory Tech. Ken Decker Taylor Run WWTP Superintendent Mike Findley Maintenence Foreman Keith Mooney TBD Operators/Laborers Vacant Bill Lusby Jr. Bill Decker Larry Zeisler
Taylor Run operators and maintenance Responsibilities 10 Buildings (Plumbing, Electrical, and Mechanical work) 1 Soda Ash Silo 2 Fine screen Rotomats 4 Clarifiers (2 Primary, 2 Final) 3 RBC Tanks (7 RBC’s per tank = 21 motors, 2 block bearings per unit = 42 bearings) 1 Aeration Tank (Including mechanical grit removal system) 2 Blowers 2 Digesters and Heater System ( 1 Supernate Tank) 33 Pumps (Chemical feed, Mono, Submersible, Centrifugal) 5 Chemical Feed Systems (Soda ash, PAC, Polymer, Chlorine, Sodium Bisulfate) 10 Mixers 93 Valves 2 Contact Tanks 13 Sluice Gates 6 Composite Samplers Charts and Recorders ( Influent, Effluent, Chlorine, Methane Gas) Sample collection, tank cleaning, loading sludge trucks (approximately 18,000 samples collected yearly) Laboratory analysis, record keeping (approximately 25,000 samples are analyzed yearly) Reporting (Local, State and Federal)
Some things we contract out & oversee at taylor run wwtp, include: Generator preventive maintenance, grass mowing, major building repairs and system maintenance like roofing and HVAC, RBC shaft repair, instrumentation calibration certification, Chlorine analyzer pm, some emergency repairs and projects too large in scope or beyond our technical expertise.
Taylor run wwtp 2017 manpower allotment As per PADEP the Wastewater plants are staffed 7 days a week from 7:30am -3:30pm, 365 days per year There are 5 employees at the Taylor Run WWTP, 1 Superintendent and 4 operators. All daily duties and routine maintenance, along with emergency situations are handled by the 5 employees. Forty hours per week for 5 employees equals 10,400 available work hours for all Taylor Run Operations. All required work is getting done by the employees at this time, although, it may not be completed on its scheduled time period and does not meet 100% of our demands due to being short staffed. Following the “Estimated Staffing for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities” by the USEPA, the Taylor Run WWTP should have a staff of 9 employees at 18,487 work hours per year, 360 hours per week. The Taylor Run WWTP has always operated the plant well within permit and design with only 8 employees at 16,640 work hours per year or 320 hours per week.
Jobs / Hours / employees At taylor run WWTP Estimated time for equipment Maint. (RBC’s, drives, pumps, mixers, etc.,) repairs (Electrical, mechanical, plumbing, etc.,) tank cleaning. Estimated time for chemical system operations (switch-over, filling, mixing, inspection, cleaning, safety procedures, documentation, etc.) Estimated time for plant grounds maint. (painting, grouting, caulking, house keeping, snow/ice removal, etc.) Estimated time for emergency responses, coordination, clean-up, reporting and documentation. Estimated time for sample collection, analysis, record management and reporting. Estimated time for management (coordination, equipment/materials procurement, meetings, documentation, etc.) TOTAL Hrs./wk. 9 Employees 101.7 28.1 15.4 4.0 99.1 40 288.3 8 employees 90.6 25.0 13.7 3.6 88.0 35.6 256.5 5 employees 56.6 15.6 8.5 2.2 55.0 22.2 160.1
Time-off/hours utilized by Taylor Run WWTP employees Vacation = 1,020 960 840 Personal = 380 320 200 Holiday = 836 704 440 Sick = 912 768 480 Training & Education = 340 280 180 Total Hrs./yr. = 3,488 3,032 2,140 Hrs./wk. = 67.1 58.3 41.2 * = Time accrued by the current staff to date. ** = Time reflected by the filling of the 3 positions to date. ***= Time reflected by the recommended staff using USEPA guide to date.
lost work time at taylor run wwtp Employees 9 8 5 Time for work needed 355.5 355.5 355.5 Vac., sick, holidays, etc. -67.1 -58.3 -41.2 Maintenance to plant -101.7 -90.6 -56.6 Chemical system operation -28.1 -25.0 -15.6 Ground maintenance -15.4 -13.7 -8.5 Emergency responses -4.0 -3.6 -2.2 Laboratory -99.1 -88.0 -55.0 Management -40.0 -35.6 -22.2 Total Hrs./wk. work loss - 0.1 -40.7 -154.2
Plant Superintendent at taylor run wwtp: Chief Operator of plant Laboratory Supervisor Oversees daily plant operations Evaluates plant process control Procurement of materials/equipment Prepares appropriate reports (daily, monthly and annual) for director and regulatory authorities Assists Director with any pertinent wastewater issues
Taylor Run Laboratory
Taylor run Laboratory Technician: Analyze, evaluate and report over 24,000 samples per year. Lab techs. must be certified annually by the PADEP and must also certify any/all support staff that works in lab. Responsible for quality control in lab as per PADEP Chapter 252 lab accreditation. Responsible for all NPDES permit testing requirements along with in-house process control. *Note: If the Borough was to contract the Laboratory services, the cost would be approximately three (3) times the amount at which we are currently operating.
Taylor Run Maintenance
Heavy Lifting
Taylor run Maintenance Foreman and Operator Technician: Responsible for maintaining all equipment in the plant, the plants run 24/7. Implementing, overseeing and performing daily, weekly, monthly, semi- annual and annual preventive maintenance programs for the plant equipment which includes, but not limited to, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and instrumentation. Proper PM helps prolong the life of the equipment and plant itself.
Taylor run Operators/laborers: Daily operations (sample collection, tank/clarifier cleaning, filling sludge trucks, up-keep of plant, etc.) Operate, adjust, monitor and document chemical systems (chlorine, sodium bisulfate, soda ash, PAC and polymer) Assist Maintenance Department with preventive maintenance throughout plant and on larger projects. Respond to emergencies call-outs (power outages, overflows, Public Works assistance, etc.) Back-up weekday and weekend laboratory analysis.