Higher Education What are your thoughts about the cost of higher education and its accessibility for all students?
Pair share – whole group share
Create a new title for this cartoon in 10 words or less https://www.google.com/search?q=cartoons+free+education&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjIj8bzjJHVAhUE8j4KHRReAbcQ_AUIBygC&biw=1366&bih=618#tb m=isch&q=student+loan+debt+cartoon&imgrc=ldIOHTmpdKzXyM:&spf=1500394572248
whole group share
Create a thought bubble for the student walking through the door https://www.google.com/search?q=cartoons+free+education&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjIj8bzjJHVAhUE8j4KHRReAbcQ_AUIBygC&biw=1366&bih=618#tb m=isch&q=cartoons+higher+education&chips=q:cartoons%20higher%20education,g_7:college%20degree&imgrc=s9NE5zhzz10BGM:&spf=1500394572150
Whole group share
Write five noticings https://www.bls.gov/emp/ep_chart_001.htm
small group share - Chart paper noticings Interpreting data
Why share?
Why share? Add layers to our thinking through layers of reading and writing Connect texts Consider narratives – there are more than two perspectives to any issue Look at the issue through various lenses Allow for an opportunity to adjust/modify/change/grow our thinking as we gather more information
Article #1 Issue Overview: College education Code the text as you read - * Place a star next to key insights F Use an F for a fact that seems important or compelling https://newsela.com/articles/lib-procon-college-education/id/23128/
Article #1 Issue Overview: College Education Respond to two or three of your codes in your reading notes. Write what the text said and why you think it matters when thinking about higher education.
Small group share
Article #2 Higher Education Should Be Universal and Free Code the text as you read - * Place a star next to key insights from the article F Use an F for a fact that seems important or compelling https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2016/01/20/should-college-be-free/public-higher-education-should-be-universal-and-free
Create an It Says/I Say T-Chart Two or three Create an It Says/I Say T-Chart Two or three * or F on left side, and your thoughts on right side
Small group Work What is the main claim of the article? what do you consider to be the writer’s strongest evidence? Make a list as a group: • What do you want to know more about? • Where do you stand on this issue today?
Article #3 The Problem Is That Free College Isn’t Free Code the text as you read - * Place a star next to key insights from the article F Use an F for a fact that seems important or compelling https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2016/01/20/should-college-be-free/the-problem-is-that-free-college-isnt-free
Add to your It Says/I Say T-chart Two or three * or F on left side, and your thoughts on right side
• How has this article expanded your thinking? Small group Work What is the main claim of the article? what do you consider to be the writer’s strongest evidence? Make a list as a group: • How has this article expanded your thinking?
Article #4 Aid Low-Income Students and Colleges That Serve Them Code the text as you read - * Place a star next to key insights from the article F Use an F for a fact that seems important or compelling https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2016/01/20/should-college-be-free/aid-low-income-students-and-colleges-that-serve-them
Add to your It Says/I Say T-chart Two or three * or F on left side, and your thoughts on right side
Small group Work Draw a simple graphic that represents the relationship among the last three articles. The graphic could represent a continuum of opinions on free college or a diagram that represents points of agreement or disagreement.
Small Group – Whole Group Share Share the graphic and explanation with the whole group. Allow each participant to share their own position in the conversation.
What are you thinking write now What are you thinking write now? Write a short argument that makes a claim and cites evidence from the three readings to support your argument. Use these sentence frames to formulate your thoughts…
How did the process feel? Whole group debrief How did the process feel? What might this look like in your own classroom? What might you do differently? Close reading? Sharing? What topics for argument writing might work in your classrooms? What topics might your students be interested in exploring?
Using Sentence frames to formulate your thoughts The general argument made by author X in her/his work, _______________, is that _______________. More specifically, X argues that _______________. She/he writes, “ _______________.” In this passage, X is suggesting that _______________. In conclusion, X’s belief is that _______________. In my view, X is wrong/right, because _______________. More specifically, I believe that _______________. For example, ___________. Although X might object that __________, I maintain that _______________. Therefore, I conclude that _______________.