FAFSA Improvements and Initiatives Moderator: Gail Mance-Rios, Rhode Island Division of Higher Education Assistance Speakers: Ron Gambill, Edsouth Karen Hauser, Vanderbilt University 2016 Knowledge Symposium November 7 – 9, Sheraton Downtown, Nashville, TN
FAFSA Improvements and Initiatives Purpose of FAFSA Simplification Recognition for students already determined to be needy Remove unnecessary questions that are not related to determination of need Simplify the process for parents and students 2016 Knowledge Symposium November 7 – 9, Sheraton Downtown, Nashville, TN
FAFSA Improvements and Initiatives Unexpected Implementation Issues Postsecondary institutions only receive student/parent data but not other institutions receiving the data. State Agency Data Modifications -School listings -School order listings -Impact for students, institutions, and state budgets 2016 Knowledge Symposium November 7 – 9, Sheraton Downtown, Nashville, TN
FAFSA Improvements and Initiatives Early FAFSA and Prior-Prior Year (PPY) in States Impact on student filers First-come, first-served states Will PPY cost more? 2016 Knowledge Symposium November 7 – 9, Sheraton Downtown, Nashville, TN
FAFSA Improvements and Initiatives National College Access Network Streamline Suggestions Those receiving support from means-tested benefit program. Families who file taxes but do not utilize schedules. Families who file taxes with tax schedules. 2016 Knowledge Symposium November 7 – 9, Sheraton Downtown, Nashville, TN
FAFSA Improvements and Initiatives NASFAA Simplification Suggestions Means-tested benefit: SNAP and SSI only Simple Form Tax Filers: No schedules Tax Filers with Schedules All asset questions Expand the DRT information that could be pulled in Disallow negative income 2016 Knowledge Symposium November 7 – 9, Sheraton Downtown, Nashville, TN
FAFSA Improvements and Initiatives Questions that May Need to be Asked Is income (AGI) a true indicator of need Negative income could mean you have income How do tax schedules convey wealth or need Is FAFSA simplification fair to all What about the middle 2016 Knowledge Symposium November 7 – 9, Sheraton Downtown, Nashville, TN
FAFSA Improvements and Initiatives Questions that May Need to be Asked Can DRT be mandated Who helps the student with verification when the parent cannot If the FAFSA process is complicated, does the advising/enrolling/billing process need simplifying 2016 Knowledge Symposium November 7 – 9, Sheraton Downtown, Nashville, TN
FAFSA Improvements and Initiatives Benefits of PPY Prospective students would receive awards earlier More time to make tuition payment arrangements More time to make enrollment decisions 2016 Knowledge Symposium November 7 – 9, Sheraton Downtown, Nashville, TN
FAFSA Improvements and Initiatives Challenges of PPY Institutional timelines FAFSA completion initiatives Increase in students with need may mean additional support programing needed on campuses. 2016 Knowledge Symposium November 7 – 9, Sheraton Downtown, Nashville, TN
The Only Constant in Financial Aid is Change! Questions? Ron Gambill Edsouth rgambill@edsouth.org Karen Hauser Vanderbilt University Associate Director of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships K.Hauser@Vanderbilt.edu 2016 Knowledge Symposium November 7 – 9, Sheraton Downtown, Nashville, TN