Health expenditure in household budgets of different socio-economic groups in Poland
The aim of the study is to assess the level of expenditure on health in different groups of households with particular attention paid to the households with relatively the best and worst financial situation. The aim is also to indicate the hierarchy of determinants of health expenditures depending on the financial situation of household members.
Materials Individual data of the household budget survey by the Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS) 2012. The collection included more than 37 thousand households.
In the structure of health expenditure, there are three categories: pharmaceuticals, medical devices (medical articles, therapeutic appliances and equipment, maintenance and repair services of therapeutic appliances and equipment); outpatient services and services of alternative medicine (dental services, medical laboratories and X-ray laboratories, ancillary medical services, other health-related services); hospital and sanatorium services.
Multiple regression analysis Methods Scheffe test. It is one of the tests examining statistical significance which carries out a comparison of post-hoc. This is the most conservative test. Multiple regression analysis The overall objective of the multiple regression analysis is to investigate relationship between several independent variables and the dependent variable. The final model shows the "optimal" set of independent variables, assuming that construction of the model was successful, no potential variable was omitted, and the data is properly interpreted
Household characteristics I decyl group I canonical root Household characteristics Canonical weights Canonical factor Age of the family head -0,440 -0,524 Marriages, single people, older, inactive -0,330 -0,407 Higher education of household head -0,120 -0,347 Expenditure on pharmaceuticals and medical devices -0,850 -0,945
Household characteristics I decyl group II canonical root Household characteristics Canonical weights Canonical factor Cities: 500 thousand inhabitants and more 0,388 0,444 Age of the family head -0,309 -0,424 Higher education of household head 0,299 0,548 Expenditure on outpatient services and non-conventional medicine 1,032 0,826
Household characteristics X decyl group I canonical root Household characteristics Canonical weights Canonical factor Age of the family head -0,633 -0,799 Marriages, single people, older, inactive -0,324 -0,646 Couples, single people, young, without dependent children 0,299 0,467 Expenditure on pharmaceuticals and medical devices -0,956 -0,976
Household characteristics X decyl group II canonical root Household characteristics Canonical weights Canonical factor Disposable income per capita -0,694 -0,744 Cities: 500 thousand inhabitants and more -0,462 -0,581 Expenditure on outpatient services and non-conventional medicine -1,019 -0,964
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