Adding Your Own Victims, Apparatus, Tools, and Icons SimsUshare 2.5: Adding Your Own Victims, Apparatus, Tools, and Icons Judy Smith & Jonathan Kaye
New Features of SimsUshare 2.5 Place your own photos/clip art Examples: victims, hoselines, ladders, tools, map markers—any static image (JPG, PNG, GIF) Set timing Move item during playback Some Example Uses: variety of scene elements, apparatus placement Cache items for frequent use Easily shareable Set timing of effects to scenario start or location start
When Can I Get It? Windows/Mac: Today Beyond iOS and Android
iOS and Android Release Important: Sims made with photos/clip- art on Win/Mac with 2.5 will work on SimsUshare 2.1 for iOS and Android, but will not have photo manipulation features (i.e., touch, color, timing, etc.)
Live Demo
Possible Market Opportunity Create packages of photos/clip art in the SimsUshare Marketplace Victims, ladders, hoselines, tools & equipment, map markers (icons, apparatus, etc.) Your imagination! Donate to NFFF or take commission
Ambassador Program SimsUshare benefits you! Sharing it with your friends will benefit them! Now you can benefit a Fallen Firefighter and their family! When your friend buys SimsUshare Platinum based on your referral…SimsUshare will donate 10% ($7.50) to The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation!
How to Get Version 2.5 Now Windows/Mac Please give us feedback! Please give us feedback!
Wrap-Up: Your Questions Next User Group Webinar: September 21, 2016 @ 11:30am EST Sales Judy Smith, Tel: (866) 639-8727 Tech Support Jonathan Kaye,