Tyreese Musser Mrs. Eckman Wissler CP English 12 20 September 2016 Knighthood Tyreese Musser Mrs. Eckman Wissler CP English 12 20 September 2016
Beginning of Knighthood Being granted knighthood in The Middle Ages was an honor amongst men. Knights usually came a wealthy or noble family and the road to becoming a knight started as a boy. The sons of current knights were expected to follow their fathers steps into knighthood. The boy’s future role of a knight would be acknowledged at birth. The boys development would start at home until he was 7 years old. At home the boys would learn the basics of knighthood, good manners, understanding the role of a knight, chivalry and loyalty to the Lord at the time. The boys did not have ordinary toys, their toys consisted of wooden shields and swords. Their future of becoming a knight would be fueled by attending tournaments and listening to stories of brave knights and combat.
Page At 7 years old the boys would be sent to another home or castle of a noble family because at their original home their mother would have witnessed the harshness of the training and possibly objected to it. His role would be a page, the third step to knighthood. Pages were given a uniform and a livery of the Lord which was a book with many pages depending on the wealth of the noble. There was a pecking order amongst the pages which was based off of age, the ages varied from 7-14 years old. Pages began to advance their knowledge and skills of knighthood. They would receive education on religion, manners, riding, hunting, hawking and strategic games such as backgammon and chess. They would begin to acquire the skills of a knight by practicing the skills of tilting a lance and watching the movements and training of their elders.
Page Horsemanship was a skill Pages practiced while learning how to lance. To practice, the Page would mount a wooden horse while holding a lance that was pulled by two other Pages. A target was raised and while the two Pages pulled the horse the Page would have to aim the lance and hit the target. Sword play was practiced using wooden shields and swords. Pages would also fight on piggyback to learn and understand the balance and skills required in mounted combat. Pages would attend their superiors at tournaments which were always viewed as great occasions in a Pages life.
Squires The Medieval Squire was a servant to another knight, this was the fourth step to knighthood. This role was one of the most important to becoming a knight and started when a Page reached the age of 14. Squires duties were to learn about Chivalry, the rules of Heraldry, horsemanship, and practiced the use of weapons and the skills required of a knight. It was also their responsibility to enter into the social life of the castle and learn courtly etiquette, jousting, music, and dance. The Squire served as this role for 7 years, 21 years old was the usual age to become a knight but sometimes knighthood was granted onto a Squire at a younger age as a reward for bravery on the battlefield. Squires accompanied Knights on the battlefield, leading and tending to the horses and dressing them in the Medieval Knights armor. Squires sometimes got caught under fire from arrows and many Squires died during their duty.
Order of Knighthood Ceremony Preparation The ceremony was highly ritualized, preparation started with a Night Vigil in the Chapel of a Castle or a Church. During this last night as a Squire he would prepare for the vigil by bathing because the body needed to be completely cleansed as a symbol of purification. The Knights wore a white vesture to symbolize purity which was then covered by a red robe which symbolized nobility. His shoes and hose were black which symbolized death.
Order of Knighthood Ceremony After many long, tiresome years of training and learning the skills of combat and chivalry to become a knight the last step to entering knighthood was symbolized in the order of the Knighthood ceremony. Whether the ritual was at a church or chapel first a sword and shield were placed on the altar and the knight knelt or stood in silent prayer for 10 hours. The ceremony began in the morning when everyone gathered together joining the knight to hear mass and a long sermon on the duties of a knight. The sword and shield were passed to the lord who was to conduct the knighthood ceremony. The knight was presented to the lord by two sponsors in a public ceremony then the knight took his vows and swore an oath of allegiance to the lord
Order of Knighthood Ceremony The Vows and Oath of Knighthood were very important. If they were broken it would have been seen as a crime towards God which would lead to eternal damnation. The vows and oaths were Never traffic with traitors, never give evil counsel to a lady, whether married or not; he must treat her with great respect and defend her against all, to observe fasts and abstinences, and every day hear mass and make an offering in church. The dubbing was next and that was usually done by a local knight, greater noble, or even the King. “Dubbing” originally was a blow with the side of the sword to the shoulder or even higher if the sword bearer missed. Dubbing became less harsher after awhile changing into the sword being placed on one shoulder, risen over the head and placed onto the other shoulder. It was official when the Lord said “I dub thee Sir Knight.” Celebrations afterwards consisted of a feast where fellow knights, nobles, women, and on occasion royalty would attend. Music would be played and dancing would continue along with it.
A Knight’s Life Knight’s often traveled a lot in their lives but since they were noblemen they had a castle they considered home. The castle was a private home protected by knights. The knight’s families lived in the part of the castle that was called the keep. Knight’s had a basic, somewhat heavy attire. Knights wore chain mail which took about 5 years to make. The coverings for their chest and arms weighed about 20-30 lbs. In later years, knights wore full metal armor. The helmets they were had eyeholes and an opening to breath correctly. Their shields were either made of wood or metal which usually had their family seal own it to identify the knight. Weapons were the most important aspect to a knight, their sword was the most valuable, it weighed about 2 ½ lbs. – 3 lbs. Other weapons a knight used were knives, and a lance which was used on horseback. Metal axes, battle hammers and maces were introduced later when armor became to strong too penetrate.
Chivalry Qualities and Virtues To fear God and maintain His Church. To serve the liege lord in valor and faith To serve the liege To protect the weak and defenseless. To give succor to widows and orphans To refrain from the wanton giving of offense. To live by honor and for glory To despise pecuniary reward. To fight for the welfare of all To obey those placed in authority. To guard the honor of fellow knights To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit. To keep faith At all times to speak the truth. To preserve to the end in any enterprise begun To respect the honor of women. Never to refuse a challenge from an equal Never to turn the back upon a foe
Work Cited Alchin, By Linda. "Steps to Knighthood." Steps to Knighthood. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2016. Standards, By Today’s. "The Middle Ages | Feudalism." The Middle Ages | Feudalism. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2016. "Knights Code of Chivalry." Code of Chivalry. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2016. Photos: "How a Boy Became a Knight in Medieval times." How a Boy Became a Knight in Medieval times. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2016. By Shannon Loh. "Medieval Knight." Pinterest. Accessed September 21, 2016. https://www.pinterest.com/explore/medieval-knight/.