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Presentation transcript:

Associated Students Inc. Budget Request Process A guide to requesting a budget for fiscal year 2018-2019

Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) Associated Students Incorporated is a non-profit auxiliary which exists to support the educational mission of CSU Channel Islands. ASI facilitates learning and development through integrative and co-curricular approaches Identifies and responds to major student issues and initiatives Implements sound business practices which uphold the fiduciary responsibility associated with the management of student fees Funds the operation and facility of the CI Student Union ASI Board of Directors The Board of Directors is comprised of nine students, three University Administrators, one University Faculty member, and one community member. The ASI Board is responsible for the oversight and management of ASI, which includes the allocation of ASI funds.

BASC Budget Allocation and Spending Committee (BASC) The BASC was created as a committee of the ASI Board of Directors tasked to oversee the process of ASI budget requests. The BASC is comprised of six ASI Board Members—four students and two non-students. The BASC presents all budgets to the ASI Board who can either approve, amend, or deny the budget requests.

Budget Allocation and Spending Procedure Guidelines Prior to building your budget, please read the Budget Allocation and Spending Procedure, which can be found at: You are required to turn in the BASC procedure signed acknowledgement (page 8 of BASC procedure) with your budget packet.

Is your organization/area eligible for funding? The ASI Board of Directors oversees financial management of the Student Body Association Fee. Any campus recognized organization may request funding through ASI. ASI is committed to providing funding on a fair, equitable, and transparent basis. Funding is limited; therefore, allocations are made based on the following criteria: Enhances the ASI Statement of Purpose. Accessible to the entire student body and reaches as many students as possible. Enhances significant out-of-classroom cultural, social, educational, or recreational opportunities. Improves student life at CI. ASI funding for student organizations is insufficient to meet 100% of the needs and requests for all CI student organizations. Budget requests should reflect effort to obtain funding through other means such as fundraising, participation fees, or donations. Efforts made to secure other funds will be considered in the allocation process

Is your organization/area eligible for funding? Academic Departmental Organizations: An academic departmental organization may be considered for funding unless any of the following apply: Students receive academic credit for membership. Membership is limited to students from specific departments. The organization’s primary purpose is to help students attain professional degree status. The organization’s primary purpose is to help students attain an internship, scholarship or employment. The organization has selective membership. ASI funds cannot be used for events/requests connected to academic course requirements.

Is your organization/area eligible for funding? Student Organizations: All student organizations seeking funding must be registered with the University by Student Organizations and Involvement. Student organizations seeking funding must be open to membership to all CI students, regardless of race, color, religion, nationality, gender, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, economic status, marital status, veteran status, GPA or parenthood. Athletic Organizations: The BASC shall not fund any sports club, as they are eligible to receive funding from the recreation and athletic fee. Political Organizations: Organizations will not be considered for funding to advance any candidate or ballot issue in an off-campus election, or to finance off-campus lobbying or political activities of non-students.

Quick Facts

Budgeting for Food Use of University Auxiliary Services (UAS): Please review the BFA Administrative Detail: #130.01 located at this link regarding use of UAS for all campus food purchases: When budgeting for food and beverage, it is recommended that you base your pricing estimates on the most current UAS catering menu located at

Fall 2017 Budget Request Timeline September 25: ASI budget packet available to internal entities and staff.   October 27: Requestors must email Monica Campos completed budget packet no later than 5 p.m. Completed budget packet includes: Budget Request Excel Budget Request Power Point Scanned copy of signed BASC procedures NOTE: Budget packets turned in after the deadline will not be accepted. October 30 – November 3: Budget requestors must sign up for a budget presentation time. Monica Campos will email a sign up link to each requestor. Sign-ups are on a first-come, first-served basis.    November 6 – November 17: Present budget Power Point presentation to the BASC during your assigned budget presentation time.

Budget Packet (Items you will need) Signed BASC Procedures (page 8) ASI Budget Request Excel ASI Budget Request PowerPoint All forms can be found at:

Budget Request Check List Read, sign and scan ASI Budget Allocation and Spending Procedure Complete ASI Budget Request Excel Complete ASI Budget Request PowerPoint Submit completed budget packet to by October 27 at 5:00 p.m. Sign up for a budget presentation time. Monica Campos will send a sign up link to each requestor. Present to the BASC during your assigned date/time. If you would like a copy of your 2017-2018 request or current budget report please email or 805-437-3929

How to complete the ASI Budget Request Excel The summary sheet tab in the Budget Request Excel is pre-populated with formulas that will auto-populate as you complete your Budget Request Excel. Please do not type in the yellow highlighted areas of the Excel. Begin completing your Budget Request Excel by first filling in the Division, Area, and Department Code at the top of the Summary sheet. This information will auto-populate on all tabs of your Budget Request Excel. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS INC. CALFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY CHANNEL ISLANDS 2017 - 2018 BUDGET REQUEST SUMMARY DIVISION: AREA: DEPARTMENT CODE: 2017-2018 Account Proposed Budget 660002_Printing 660003_Supplies and Services 613001_Contractual Services 613801_Professional Services 613802_Honorarum Fees 660816_Membership Dues & Fees 660833_Promotional Items 660834_Awards & Gifts 660820_Business Meals_Hospitality $ - Total Request $ -

Budget Request Excel contd. Your Budget Request Excel contains one tab for each of the accounts listed below. These nine accounts can be used for eligible expenditures (see BASC procedures for details on eligible expenditures). An example tab is included in your Budget Request Excel as a reference for how to complete each tab. Leave the tab blank if you are not requesting funds from that particular account. 660002_Printing 660003_Supplies and Services - Other 613001_Contractual Services 613801_Professional Services 613802_Honorarium Fees 660816_Membership Dues & Fees 660833_Promotional Items 660834_Awards & Gifts 660820_Business Meals_Hospitality

How to complete the ASI Budget Request Power Point Begin by completing slides 1, 2, 4 & 5 of the Power Point presentation by answering the prompts. Slide 6 is an example slide to guide you in completing the remaining slides of your presentation. Slide 6 provides an example of the Legacy Awards event. Please note that it corresponds directly to the Example sheet on the Budget Request Excel. Complete one “Initiative, Program or Event” slide for every individual initiative, program, or event in your budget request. Several blank slides have been provided for you, but feel free to duplicate the slides if more are needed. Non-event expenses such as student assistants or other services are considered an “initiative” and should be noted on an individual slide.

ASI Budget Request Power Point (continued) The grid on the “Initiative, Program or Event” slide should be completed and totaled. To enter your expenses into the grid, double click the grid to pull up the linked Excel sheet. Enter your expenses (they will total automatically) and save. NOTE: The “Program/Initiative – Description” and ”Amount” sections on the grid should match the corresponding descriptions and amounts on your Budget Request Excel. See the Legacy Awards example on Slide 6 of the Power Point and the Example sheet on the Budget Excel for reference. Account Program / Initiative Name - Description Amount 660002_Printing Legacy Awards - Programs, posters, invitations $500 660003_Supplies and Services - Other Legacy Awards – Centerpieces and linen for 30 tables $250 613001_Contractual Services 613801_Professional Services Legacy Awards – Musicians for event 613802_Honorarium Fees 660816_Membership Dues & Fees 660833_Promotional Items Legacy Awards – Giveaway pens for 300 event attendees 660834_Awards & Gifts Legacy Awards – Awards for 25 student recipients 660820_Business Meals_Hospitality Legacy Awards - Desserts and coffee for 300 attendees $1,200 TOTAL $3,200

Presenting Your Budget On October 30, Monica Campos will send all budget requestors a link to sign up for a presentation time slot with the BASC. Please sign up for a presentation time no later than November 3. Please note presentation sign ups are on a first-come, first-served basis. Your Budget Request Power Point will be used to present your budget request to the BASC during your assigned presentation time. The ASI staff will have your Power Point ready and displayed on the screen during your assigned presentation time, so you do not need to bring a copy. Each presenter will have 10 minutes to present their requested budget and 5 minutes for questions and answers with the BASC. Please be on time and prepared for your presentation.

After Your Presentation After hearing all budget presentations, the BASC will determine an allocation amount to recommend to the ASI Board. Please note that funds are not guaranteed. In April 2018, the ASI Board will review the BASC’s recommended budget allocation and provide a final budget recommendation to the University President for approval. Once final budget approval is received by the University President (typically in June) ASI budget requestors will be notified of their final approved budget allocation. ASI will provide all budget requestors with a completed budget Excel containing approved allocated funds. Approved allocated funds will be available upon university presidential approval after July 1, 2018. Time frame may vary and is subject to change.

Questions Please contact Monica Campos, ASI Budget Coordinator at or 805-437-3929. Thank you!