The Industrial Revolution These inventions changed the world forever
George Washington Carver George Washington Carver (1861-1943) studied agriculture at Iowa State University. Booker T. Washington hired him to oversee the agricultural department at the Tuskegee Institute. He developed hundreds of products using the peanut, sweet potatoes and soybeans. He also was a champion of crop rotation and agricultural education.
Thomas Edison Thomas Edison (1847-1931)received very little formal education. He created lots of inventions such as the electric light and first record player. He held more than 1,000 patents for his inventions.
Orville and Wilber Wright The Wright brothers(Orville, 1871-1948; Wilbur, 1867-1912) were the first men to successfully fly an airplane. The flight lasted only twelve seconds, but it proved men could fly.
Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Bell(1847-1922) was one of the primary inventors of the telephone. He did important work in communication for the deaf that would transmit sound by electricity He held more than 18 patents.