Docent Setup List: Docent Clean up List: Magical Color Wheel You will need: Little Blue and Little Yellow Book 3 balls of each primary color modeling clay Docents either split the clay: Give each student: 2 balls of red 3 balls of yellow (make these 2x size of red and blue ball) 2 balls of blue NOTE: 1 large packet of each primary color will do more than 30 students OR HAVE STUDENTS DO THIS Give each table : 2-3 Texture plates 2-3 Rubber stamps Dowels or straws to make holes Part 2: Beads, Key rings etc. Wipe down tables, refill any items and return to bins as you found them Close the lens cap to turn the projector off Send email to parents about the lesson – thanks for doing this and leading the lesson! Art@Booksin
Magical Color Wheel Kinder Grade Art@Booksin Welcome in the students. State the lesson name. You will need: Little Blue and Little Yellow Book 3 balls of each primary color modeling clay Based on feedback from last year there are 2 ways to approach this lesson: Docents either split the up the clay and Give each student: 2 balls of red 3 balls of yellow (make these 2x size of red and blue ball) 2 balls of blue NOTE: 1 large packet of each primary color will do more than 30 students OR HAVE STUDENTS DO THIS Art@Booksin
Today’s Lesson Skill Development: Magical Color Wheel Today’s Lesson Skill Development: Today you are going to learn about the primary colors and how they can be used to make all the colors in the color wheel. Create 3D art piece Introduction to color wheel Mixing colors Improve fine motor skills New medium – modeling clay Explain the lesson objective and description. We are focusing on Primary and Secondary colors today. Art@Booksin
Magical Color Wheel What is a color wheel? It is the basic tool for combining colors. The first circular color diagram was designed by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666. This is for info – too detailed for Kinder but the color wheel is designed so that virtually any colors you pick from it will look good together. Over the years, many variations of the basic design have been made, but the most common version is a wheel of 12 colors based on the artistic color model. Traditionally, there are a number of color combinations that are considered especially pleasing. These are called color harmonies or color chords and they consist of two or more colors with a fixed relation in the color wheel. Art@Booksin
What are the primary colors? Magical Color Wheel What are the primary colors? These are the 3 colors that cannot be made from mixing other colors BUT … all other colors can be obtained by mixing these 3! Ask students if they know how mixing colors creates new colors? Do they know Primary colors – red, yellow and blue Do they know that when these are mixed they make what is known as Secondary colors – this will be demonstrated by docents or students. Art@Booksin
What are the secondary colors? Magical Color Wheel What are the secondary colors? These are the colors formed by mixing the primary colors … – let’s try it! The secondary colors are achieved by mixing primary colors. Before we move onto the practical – read ‘Little Blue and Little Yellow’. If students are restless skip reading the book and have the teacher read it to those students who finish early and are sat on the rug. The next 3 slides will give students an opportunity to do this using their model magic and / or using the food color and water mixed the paint trays. Docents please decide which method you will use to demonstrate this. My plan is to demo using one paint tray and the food colors. Then I will have the students mix the colors using their modeling clay. That will reinforce the lesson and keep hands occupied!! Art@Booksin
Lets make Orange …. Magical Color Wheel Art@Booksin Using their modeling clay have students mix: 1 red ball and one yellow ball until they have an orange ball. Art@Booksin
Lets make Green …. Magical Color Wheel Art@Booksin Using their modeling clay have students mix: 1 blue ball and one yellow ball until they have a green ball. Art@Booksin
Lets make purple …. Magical Color Wheel Art@Booksin Using their modeling clay have students mix: 1 blue ball and one red ball until they have a purple ball. Another six tertiary colors are created by mixing primary and secondary colors, we will save that for another lesson! However now we are going to take that knowledge and have students create a leaf using their knowledge of mixing primary colors to make secondary colors. Art@Booksin
Let’s get started.. Supplies Needed: 3 balls of modeling clay Magical Color Wheel Let’s get started.. Supplies Needed: 3 balls of modeling clay Texture plates Rubber stamps Texture roller Begin the practical lesson, check students have their supplies. Art@Booksin
Process to make pendant / key ring: Magical Color Wheel Process to make pendant / key ring: Take ONE ball of model magic Make an impression of the most interesting pattern to YOU by pressing the rubber stamp or texture plates until ball is flattened into a disc. Don’t press too hard Repeat with all 3 colors of modeling clay Docents, there is a simple YouTube overview of this lesson which is worth watching as its very short. Our materials are a bit simpler for cost reasons. The link to the video is: Art@Booksin
Magical Color Wheel Docents only: Carefully put a small hole using a dowel in the upper part of each clay disc (now embellished with an interesting texture) Put these in blue trays (write name in sharpie on back) to air dry. Docents, there is a simple YouTube overview of this lesson which is worth watching as its very short. Our materials are a bit simpler for cost reasons. The link to the video is: Art@Booksin
Repeat with all 3 colors of modeling clay Magical Color Wheel Part 2 of lesson: Process to make Sole pendant: Students can decide what they would like to use their Sole Pendant as: a necklace, tie it on a book bag or as an ornament and therefore select the length of cord (short or longer). Students should pass the cord through the hole in the pendant, and then pass both ends through the bead. This will allow the pendant to lay flat on the cord. Repeat with all 3 colors of modeling clay Docents – because of time constraints some of you may have to do this or, it can be done at the end of another lesson with the students. Art@Booksin
Lesson plan adapted from By Tara Button September 2016, rewritten Sept 2017 (combining 2 previous lessons) Art@Booksin