Faisal Almanee, Melissa Callahan, Shawn Cutting, Shantae Potter, Cassey Stone
Outline Introduction Method CMS Pro Denali Competition/Prospects Satisfaction/Needs Intention to upgrade Competition Denali Barriers to upgrade Competition/Prospects Limitations Conclusions and Recommendations
Method …
Method Descriptive Research Email surveys were sent to a simple random sample of current and past members whom have used a Cougar Mountain Software product The survey was sent to 1,219 People 42 Total responded CMS Pro – 8 Denali – 25 Competitor – 9 3.5% Response rate Collection time was 10 days
Results # of employees Type of organization CMS Pro - 100+ 63% Denali - 100+ 43% Competitor - 0-24 67% Type of organization CMS Pro - Church 38% Denali - Educational 22% Competitors – Educational 33%
Intention to upgrade Importance of Audit Trail Features How Often Respondents Use Audit Trail Features
Intention to upgrade
Competition 50% of CMS Pro users, have used another accounting software. 50% of those are QuickBook users. 75% of QuickBook users were overall satisfied.
Denali Demographics How involved are you in the accounting software purchasing decision: 57% were extremely involved 13% Very Involved Job title: 17% CFO They use the software daily (80%)
Denali Features Clients were satisfied with ALL 11 features Top 3 features Secure Audit Trail Control of User Access Speed and Responsiveness Lowest 3 features Software training Price Customizable reports
How Important are the Following Features? All said responded with either 4/5 or 5/5 of importance for all features Top 3 very important features Security and Reliability Software Support Ease of Use Bottom 3 important features Customizable reports, installation process, software training
Audit Trail Report 95.8% of 23 Denali customers use the Audit Trail Feature. 1 Respondent didn’t use it. Nearly half of them used it Daily (48%); whereas, 35% used it a few times a week 61% said the Audit Trail Report was “extremely important”
Overall Satisfaction 22% were very satisfied 62% were satisfied 9% were neutral 9% dissatisfied
Satisfaction/Needs 70% likely to recommend
Competitor 82.6% have used another accounting software Of those, 83% stated QuickBooks as their most recent accounting software program. 42% of the used it over 3 years ago, and 32% used it within the last 30 days.
Needs and Features of Denali vs Competitor All respondents ranked Denali as either “slightly better” or “better” than last software Denali’s Top 3 “Better” Features (greatest to least): Software Support, Secure Audit Trail, Control of User Access Top 3 “Slightly Better” Features (least to greatest): Price, Saves Time, Customizable Reporting
Who is Our Competition? 33% are using QuickBooks 33% are using Sage The remaining 33% uses: Aptafund Blackbaud Financial Edge Denali (not nonprofit addition)
What’s Important for Customers when selecting Non- Profit Accounting Software? Question: “How important are the following when choosing accounting software for your nonprofit organizations?” (Scale of 1-5) Highest means of responses regarding importance of each factor
Trends Between Two Biggest Competitors What they like about both of the biggest competitors: (QuickBooks, Sage) Ease of Use Control of User Access Installation Process Customer Support
What needs are the Competition not Satisfying? When analyzing “Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following regarding your current accounting software’s capabilities” X Axis: Number of Responses Y Axis: factor Significance in Speed and Secure Audit Trail
What needs are the Competition not Satisfying? Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied 25% Price 25% Software Training 25% Customizable Reports 25% Software Support 40% Customizable Reports 20% Saves Time 10% Ease of Use 10% Software Support 10% Software Training 10% Speed/Responsiveness
Areas to Capitalize On Areas with a high frequency of “neutral” answers: 55% of respondents stated they were “neutral” with Software Training 44% of respondents were “neutral” with price 44% of respondents stated “neutral” with Saves Time
Limitations Small sample size (42 total respondents) Sample was too small to pull statistically significant information Conclusions are relevant to these 42 customers Cannot be generalized to the larger population of customers Survey flow limited question response rate Filter questions limited responses
Recommendations Market your strengths: Customers valued your products saving time abilities and secure audit trail Customers valued your control of user access and reliability of data Make price as a marker of quality Majority of respondents were neutral and dissatisfied with price of their software Denali customers were satisfied with the price they paid Indicates potential to market the cost saving benefits to CMS and prospective customers
Recommendations Improve on customizable reports Overall rating for CMS customizable reports was neutral Overall rating for competition customizable reports was neutral Educate customers on how they can use CMS to customize their reports to their required business needs Improve software training and support Simplify and improve training videos on CMS website Addresses customizable reports, software training, and reduces need for support