Common Birds in Idaho
Observations WEAR WARM CLOTHES, HAT, GLOVES AND WATERPROOF SHOES IF YOU ARE NOT ATTEMPTING TO IDENTIFY BIRDS…YOU WILL RECEIVE A 0 FOR THAT DAY OF OBSERVATION. You may be required to hand in your observation journal immediately following classroom observations.
Identification tips First look at size of the bird, wing shape and how they fly. Next use the color of the bird. Look at specific areas like the head, the tail and underside of the wing. Use guide books, they are your best way to identify the birds.
Birds of Prey identification Hawks are the hardest to identify, because male, females and juvenile of the same species vary in coloration. You will need to look in your hawk books to correctly identify the birds.
Red tailed hawk
Harrier Hawk
American Kestrel
Swainson’s Hawk
Song sparrow
House Finch and Junco
Raven and Gull
Starling and Flicker
Mourning Dove and Mallard
California Quail and Chukkar
Rock Dove aka Pigeon American Crow
Canada Goose