Performance and Development Cycle Student Affairs Performance and Development Cycle Together, we transform students’ lives.
Why are we doing this? Student Affairs staff are an incredibly important resource for UVic students The 360o survey conducted in the division in 2014 told us that we need to do a better job recognizing and developing STUA employees An effective performance and development process will build consistent focus on key initiatives throughout our organization Staff of Student Affairs are an incredibly important resource for UVic students. We heard from staff in the 360 survey that we need to do a better job recognizing and developing STUA employees. An effective performance and development process will help us to build a consistent focus on key initiatives throughout our Division.
What do we want to achieve? Alignment of institution, division, department and individual goals Ease and consistency of process Employee engagement, growth and enhanced performance Strengthened relationships between employees and supervisors for a more cohesive, high-performing Student Affairs team Attainment of our divisional vision statement Through consultation with the Student Affairs Council and review of the responses to the 360 survey, the Performance and Development Steering Committee has identified 5 key goals for the program. Alignment of institution, division, department and individual goals Ease and consistency of process Employee engagement, growth and enhanced performance Strengthened relationships between employees and supervisors for a more cohesive, high-performing Student Affairs team Attainment of the vision statement (shown on next slide)
we transform students’ lives. Together, we transform students’ lives. The primary goal of the program is to link our combined efforts back to our shared vision: Together, we transform students’ lives.
we transform students’ lives. Employee Outcomes Engagement Performance Self-awareness Self-confidence Trust Resiliency Appreciation Recognition Clear expectations Goals Clear understanding of roles/responsibility Commitment Constructive feedback Together, we transform students’ lives. The PDC program recognizes two components of employee outcomes. Both components are important and must be balanced to realize employee performance goals. Engagement Employee engagement is critical to performance and development and is the first step to achieving performance outcomes Engagement outcomes include: self-awareness, self-confidence, trust, resiliency, appreciation and recognition These outcomes are the first component of effective performance and development and must be in place to achieve performance outcomes Performance Will not be effective without engagement Performance outcomes include: clear expectations, goals, understanding of roles and responsibilities, commitment to the process and constructive feedback
we transform students’ lives. Supervisor Outcomes Relationships Results Strengthened relationships Trust and understanding Resiliency Engagement Clear, open communication Strengthened teams High retention Stronger Student Affairs Division Together, we transform students’ lives. Supervisor outcomes also fall into two main categories Relationships Relationships with employees are integral to positive performance outcomes. Strong relationships make performance conversations easier and more meaningful. The good news is that regular performance conversations strengthen relationships, so it is a positively re-enforcing cycle. Improved relationships lead to more trust and mutual understanding between employees and supervisors, and better results Results Focusing on results will be less effective without strong relationships. When supervisor have trust and credibility, employees will feel more confident and committed to performance and development. Performance outcomes include: employee and supervisor engagement, shared commitment, strengthened teams, higher employee retention, and a stronger Student Affairs Division Clear, open lines of communication
What do we want this process to be? Regular Scheduled, organized, efficient Cyclical, ongoing conversations Easy and transparent process Respectful Developmental, constructive, learning-focused Reciprocal, meaningful, 2-way conversations Relationship-driven Rewarding Clear development path, specific performance goals Better connection to role, STUA and UVic Increased trust, recognition and appreciation Consultation with Student Affairs staff and Council in 2015 and 2016 identified that the process for performance and development needs to be: Regular: This means that is will be scheduled, organized and efficient Cyclical, with ongoing conversations Easy and transparent Respectful: The process also needs to be developmental, constructive and learning-focused Include reciprocal, meaningful, 2-way conversations And be driven be the relationship between employee and supervisor Rewarding: With a clear path for employee development and specific performance goals Resulting in a better connection for each employee with their role, the division, and the university Leading to increased trust, recognition, and appreciation, both for employees and supervisors
What are we not talking about? This program is not intended to replace any of the following processes: Investigations of misconduct or disciplinary issues Performance improvement/management processes or letters of expectation Accommodation for illness or disability Attendance management Probation It is important to note that when we are talking about the Student Affairs Performance and Development Cycle, we are not talking about: Investigations of misconduct or disciplinary issues Performance Improvement processes or Letters of Expectation Accommodations for illness or disability Attendance management Probation These processes exist separately and, if we need to engage in any of them, the PDC may be put on hold while we access other resources and tools as appropriate.
Performance and Development Cycle Model STEP 1: Looking Forward Conversations STEP 2: Performance and Development Conversations STEP 3: Looking Back and Looking Forward Performance and Development Cycle Model Coaching, feedback and recognition incorporated throughout Annual, cyclical and ongoing process Departments can rotate based on schedules and annual calendars Aligned with university, division, department and individual goals, vision and values Shifting the focus from forms to conversations Short, easy to use forms at each stage Training tools and resources offered at each stage for both employees and supervisors Together, we transform students’ lives. The Performance and Development Cycle breaks down the annual performance development process into three steps: Looking Forward Conversations – The process starts off with planning to establish clear expectations, a common understanding of how the role contributes to the big picture, and to set goals and objectives. Performance and Development Conversations – these are regular check-in conversations that are scheduled throughout the year and incorporate feedback and coaching Looking Back and Looking Forward Conversations – this is where successes are celebrated and any issues or obstacles identified for the next performance cycle. These conversations should summarize conversations that have already taken place throughout the year. No Surprises!! Coaching, feedback and recognition are incorporated throughout the Cycle The focus is on conversations and new, easier to use forms are meant to support these conversations The Cycle is annual and ongoing and units and departments will be able to shift the Cycle based on schedules and annual calendars Training tools and resources will be available to both employees and supervisors at each stage as well Feedback Coaching
Regular … Respectful … Rewarding STEP 1: Looking Forward Conversations STEP 2: Performance and Development Conversations STEP 3: Looking Back and Looking Forward STEP 1: Looking Forward Conversations Annual Outcomes focused Connect to the big picture Based on employee strengths Aligned with vision, values and department goals Puts employee and supervisor on the same page at the beginning of the performance and development cycle Together, we transform students’ lives. Looking Forward Conversations will be the start of each annual Performance and Development Cycle and they put the employee and supervisor on the same page at the beginning of the Cycle These initial conversations set the tone and lay the foundation for future conversations: Annual – supported by a short form that guides the conversation and helps ensure expectations are clear Outcomes focused Connect to the big picture Based on employee strengths Aligned with vision, values and department goals Feedback Coaching Regular … Respectful … Rewarding
Regular … Respectful … Rewarding STEP 1: Looking Forward Conversations STEP 2: Performance and Development Conversations STEP 3: Looking Back and Looking Forward STEP 2: Performance and Development Conversations Ongoing throughout the year Regular and scheduled Reciprocal (2-way conversations) Authentic Together, we transform students’ lives. Step 2 in the annual Performance and Development Cycle is a series of check-in conversations to support the employee in the plan developed during the Step 1 check-in. Step 2 check-ins take place year-round as formal and informal, reciprocal, authentic conversations. Step 2 check-ins will be regular and scheduled in advance, and will include goal support, feedback and coaching. The frequency and number of Step 2 check-ins during this stage is up to each team. Informal documentation to summarize the conversations will help at the end of the PDC when completing step 3 forms. Feedback Coaching Regular … Respectful … Rewarding
Regular … Respectful … Rewarding STEP 1: Looking Forward Conversations STEP 2: Performance and Development Conversations STEP 3: Looking Back and Looking Forward STEP 3: Looking Back and Looking Forward Conversations What is going well? How can it be better? Simple forms to summarize the Performance and Development Cycle Sets the stage for the next cycle Together, we transform students’ lives. Step 3 of the annual Performance and Development Cycle are Looking Back and Looking Forward Conversations. These conversations will focus on what went well during the year, and what can go even better. Forms are most important at this stage to document the work that has been done and the feedback given by both employee and supervisor. Celebrate successes and identify employee strengths and key contributions Identify issues, barriers or obstacles that need to be addressed by employee or supervisor in the next performance and development cycle Opportunity for 2-way feedback This step sets the stage for the next performance development cycle, and will help set new expectations, goals and objectives. Regular … Respectful … Rewarding
Performance and Development Steering Committee established Timeline Spring 2014 STUA 360 Survey Fall 2014 Performance and Development Steering Committee established January 2015 Model Development Developed with input from the 360 results and Steering Committee. Presented to Council on January 28. This process of developing a new performance and development program for the division began in spring 2014 following the Student Affairs 360 review from which the Steering Committee was established. By fall 2014, development of the PDC was underway with assistance from university HR.
Timeline Spring/ Summer 2015 Fall 2015 – Spring 2016 August 2015 Program Development Presentation of model to units Forms/tools/resources developed August 2015 Council Training Sessions Half day training sessions for STUA Council. Draft forms, tools and resources in place. Initial program assessment. Fall 2015 – Spring 2016 PEA Staff Pilot Program The PDC program model was first presented to the departments and units of Student Affairs in spring 2015. Council received a preview of the training, tools and resources for staff in summer 2015 and in fall a small pilot program was launched to test the PDC program with PEA staff in the division.
Timeline Spring/ Summer 2017 Summer 2016 Fall 2016 Assessment of PEA Pilot Program Fall 2016 CUPE 951 Pilot Program Development Assessment and redevelopment of tools and resources. Training program design for CUPE 951 supervisors. Spring/ Summer 2017 CUPE 951 Pilot Program Embedding of PDC for PEA staff and launch of pilot for CUPE 951 The PEA pilot program ran from fall 2015 through to late spring 2016. Following assessment, a few changes and updates were made and the PDC program is now an embedded expectation for all PEA staff in the division. Now the PDC is ready for launch to a wider staff group – CUPE 951 staff. Other CUPE staff groups are currently in the process of updating job descriptions before performances and development conversations can begin.
Next Steps Introduction of the program to all 951 staff in the division Training supervisors of CUPE 951 staff CUPE 951 Pilot program February - June 2017 Step 1 conversations Step 2 conversations Assessment of CUPE 951 pilot program in summer 2017 Permanent PDC program for all CUPE 951 staff Once the PDC program has been introduced to 951 staff in the division, the next step will be training all supervisors of 951 staff in the division. Following supervisor training, the pilot program for CUPE 951 staff will begin in early spring and will run until June 2017, followed by an assessment in summer 2017. CUPE 951 staff will have an opportunity to provide feedback on the pilot program during the assessment that will help to guide the structure of the final program. The ultimate goal of this pilot program is that it leads to a permanent program, similar to the one now embedded for PEA staff in the division.
Take-Aways This process has been shaped through staff feedback in the 360, by STUA Council, and by the PEA pilot program The PDC changes the expectations around how leaders participate in, engage in, and support performance development across the division The PDC is designed to shift the focus from forms to conversations The PDC does not replace existing processes such and probation and performance management There will be training and support for both staff and supervisors to have these conversations and make the process of recording them easier Training and forms have been piloted with PEA staff and are now being piloted with CUPE 951 staff Review key messages on slide Request staff feedback What are you thinking? Do you have any questions? This process is still in development and staff feedback is valued and important