Customising Primo V3 for discovery of digital collections E-LUNA 2011 Annual Conference Milwaukee, WI – 13th May 2011 Stefania Riccardi Library Repository Officer, Library University of New south Wales Sydney, NSW - Australia
Content Library Repository Services at UNSW Digital Collections Projects Completed Environment Primo/Fedora Customisations (12 slides) Pending Issues On demand demos and questions
1. Library Repository Services Growing team; Set up of digital collections to support research practice; Integration with existing technologies and practices Share and reuse metadata records harvested from external OAI-PMH repositories Close relationships with the Library Applications Support team Adopt principles of Agile Project Management
2. Digital Collections Key aspects: Exclusively digital content Multiple attachments to one metadata record Management of Copyrights permissions Community-driven & focussed User submission/maintenance Focus on OAI-PMH and OAI-ORE Complexity of aligning persistent identifiers
3. LRS Projects National Centre in HIV Social Research (NCHSR) Human Resources for Health (School of Public Health and Community Medicine) URL to be confirmed UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology UNSWorks / ADT
4. Environment pre 2009: Vital / Fedora 2.2.4 2009 Mixed environment: Primo 2 / Fedora 2.2.4 2010 Mixed environment: Primo 3 / Fedora 2.2.4 Primo 3 / Fedora 3.3 : Primo 3 (SP 3.0.2) / Fedora 3.4 .2 Deposit tool: Valet (*) Editing tool: developed in house (*) (*) with Review process to screen user contributions.
Primo at UNSW Library
5. Primo/Fedora Customisations 5. Primo/Fedora Customisations Customised Tile to include search topics (JSP)
5. Primo/Fedora Customisations 5. Primo/Fedora Customisations Added drop down list on Advanced Search (JQuery)
5. Primo/Fedora Customisations 5. Primo/Fedora Customisations Custom icons for resource types not available in Primo3(*) Some of the repositories contain resource types that are not part of the Primo set. In other cases the Resource type is represented within Primo with an Icon that the client feels is not distinctive enough. So we have edited the Primo mapping tables and the css to change or include new resource Types and their associated icons. (*) The example given is implemented on Primo2; the customisation is being replicated on Primo3.
5. Primo/Fedora Customisations 5. Primo/Fedora Customisations Added Online Resource tab to link to custom page
5. Primo/Fedora Customisations Customised Link section
5. Primo/Fedora Customisations 5. Primo/Fedora Customisations Custom file splitter to add information not in Dublin Core metadata Data extracted Source Data (generic XML file splitter) Wiki Citation Citation Builder Application Status (Active records only) Fedora Datastream Name (Sourcexx) Attachments file sizes Preservation metadata (JHOVE) Full text (*) Fedora Attachments (*) Full text is harvested when the data from File Splitter returns a valid datastream name. Once collected, the full text from the datastream is added to the PNX extension.
5. Primo/Fedora Customisations Citation
5. Primo/Fedora Customisations 5. Primo/Fedora Customisations Single PID to link Primo Handle and Fedora PIDs. 1) Fedora PID = RepositoryID + delimiter + unique number i.e. 002:1234 3) Handle PID 2) Primo3 recordID = DataSourceName + Number DataSourceName=FedoraRepositoryID 002_ Replace Primo3 Number using Fedora Unique Number sourced from File Splitter 002_1234
5. Primo/Fedora Customisations Added extra hyperlink on Detail tab
5. Primo/Fedora Customisations 5. Primo/Fedora Customisations Customised generic help file suitable for all repositories. (*)CSS to be finalised
5. Primo/Fedora Customisations 5. Primo/Fedora Customisations Dynamic header links on header section of View
5. Primo/Fedora Customisations Additional customisations 1 - Anonymous user trying to access “Your borrower record” are redirected to appropriate web page rather than login page. 2 - Removed references to “Send to...” EndNote, RefWorks, Delicious and Connotea on Details tab and e-Shelf 3 - Removed option to log-in to e-Shelf. Edited message to emphasises session based access to e-Shelf. 4 - Enable/disabled “online resource” tab and availability status based on the existence of attachment (file splitter). 5 - Miscellaneous customization of LRS projects VIEWs and UNSW Library VIEW (CSS and/or javascript).
6. Pending 10. Statistics / Downloads 9. Google indexing 8. Hyperlinks to other records (OAI-PMH) 7. Ability to recognise INACTIVE OAI-PMH header status 6. De-dup/Merge in Fedora environment 5. Some customisations have a global impact - e.g. Tags and Reviews; e-shelf; MyAccount ... 4. Potentials of data ranking to be explored - e.g. Ranking of harvested records based on Fedora source 3. Ability to customise templates for error/help pages at view level 2. Ability to push custom PNX fields to EndNote/RefWorks/Connotea/Delicious; 1. Ability to add hyperlinked fields anywhere in the full record view
UNSWorks / ADT Link to repositories National Centre in HIV Social Research (NCHSR) Human Resources for Health (School of Public Health and Community Medicine) URL TBA UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology UNSWorks / ADT PRIMO 3 BO
CONTACTS Carmel Carlsen Application Support Coordinator, Applications Support Unit, UNSW University Library Stefania Riccardi Support Officer, Library Repository Services, UNSW University Library Harry Sidhunata Technical Support Officer, Library Repository Services, UNSW Library Kevin Lin Technical Support Officer, Applications Support Unit, UNSW University Library