Strategic Objective 3: Evaluation informs UN system-wide initiatives and emerging demands AGM, 28 April 2016, Geneva
Outcome 1: Evaluation implications of SDGs recognized and demand for evaluation support responded to by UNEG Outcome 2: GE & HR integrated in UNEG evaluation function Outcome 3: Humanitarian evaluation specificities appropriately considered in UNEG’s work Outcome 4:UNEG effectively engaged with ISWE SO3 work-plan 2015/16 4 sub-groups Today these are taking in slightly different order starting with Gender Followed by HEIG Then ISWE and we will conclude with SDG working group
SDG working group AGM 2016 Geneva Helen Wedgwood (co-convener) Tullia Aiazzi (consultant)
Activities Information space on UNEG Web site; Advocacy – integrating evaluation into the post-2015 agenda [UNEG chair in New York]; SDG2 RBA Evaluability Seminar BACKGROUND PAPER: EVALUATION IN THE SDG ERA : Development of longer-term UNEG work-programme Support material for UNEG-wide advocacy for SDG evaluations
Evaluation in the SDG era: lessons, challenges and opportunities for UNEG (background paper) Aim To inform the discussion of UNEG heads on the way forward. Focus Decision points (and suggestions) for a UNEG road-map on evaluation in the context of Agenda 2030. Overarching point: avoid that the MDG evaluation gap reoccurs for SDGs and Agenda 2030 Space for many initiatives … But to harness the creativity means …. Taking a systemic approach can help maximize the utility of the creative evaluative effort and Increase the value added of UNEG’s contribution 3 Major decisions that we want to propose today Roadmap + key elements Country level engagement Immediate advocacy action The report also contains a bundle of suggestions for Evaluation approaches, methods, tools KM Partnerships lessons learned from the MDG evaluation gaps
A roadmap for the UN evaluation system in the context of Agenda 2030 DECISION POINT 1 A roadmap for the UN evaluation system in the context of Agenda 2030 Time-line: AGM and High Level Political Forum 2017
Key elements of the road-map Roles and responsibilities of UNEG and its membership on: country-level evaluations, ISWE; NECD; Regional dimension; Partnerships; an Inter-Agency-Expert Group on Evaluation.
On country-level evaluations and country-led reviews DECISION POINT 2 On country-level evaluations and country-led reviews Timeline: June 2016
Key elements of Decision Point 2 Role of UNEG/ members in the UNSDF evaluations; Contribute to the preparation of the UNSDF guidelines; Participation in the pilot testing in a limited number of countries; Provide methodological support for country-led reviews.
Suggestions related to country-led reviews and evaluations (dec pt 2) 1. Mapping and analysis of national evaluation systems in all Member States; 2. Compile a repository of contacts for National Evaluation Systems in Member States; 3. Advocacy and advisory role for country- level outcome and impact monitoring.
Additional contents of the road-map ISWE: lessons learnt on the mechanism and pilots; NECD: define boundaries, roles and responsibilities; Regional dimension: strengthen evaluation resources; Major Groups: develop partnerships as evaluation stakeholders.
Institutional set-up for the road-map Inter-Agency and Expert group on Evaluation: Membership; Functions; Role.
DECISION POINT 3 Urgent advocacy action to secure visibility and relevance of the UN evaluation system in the Global Follow-up and Review mechanism and ECOSOC Dialogue under discussion in New York. Time-line: immediate to HLPF July 2016
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