Various Types of Government “isms” Political Ideologies Various Types of Government “isms”
Political Ideologies Many political parties base their political action on an ideology: A set of ideals, principles, myths or symbols of a social group that explain how society should work. Political ideologies have two dimensions: Goals: How society should work (or be arranged). Methods: The most appropriate ways to achieve the ideal arrangement It asks fundamental questions like: How much individual freedom should people have? How much freedom should businesses have? Should wealth be divided equally? Ideology is not the same thing as philosophy. Philosophy is a way of living life, meanwhile ideology is an almost ideal way of life for society.
Do Canadians share a common “IDEOLOGY”? Take the survey! Political parties are made up of people sharing similar points of view on one or more issues. This questionnaire will give a clue as to whether you fall on the left, right or center of the political spectrum. Answer each question as honestly as you can. On the answer sheet, place an “X” in one of the four spaces provided for each answer.
Where do you fall on the political spectrum? 100 75 50 25 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Left Centre Centre Centre Right Wing Left Right Wing Communism Liberalism Fascism Socialism Conservatism In Canada, the spectrum roughly corresponds with the following main political parties. Liberal: 50 - 60 New Democratic Party: 65-75 Conservatives: below 45 Left-Right politics or the Left-Right political spectrum is a common way of classifying political positions, political ideologies, or political parties along a one-dimensional political spectrum. Left vs. Right is an imprecise, broad, interpretation of a set of factors or determinants. “The Left” and “The Right” are usually understood to represent polar opposites for each determinant, though a particular individual or party may take a "left" stance on one matter and a "right" stance on another.
Political Spectrum
Communism Communism was created by Karl Marx (1818- 1883) and Fredrich Engels (1820-1895) in their book Communist Manifesto, 1848. Communism is a theory and system that a community should own the means of production and share in all of the wealth of a society. Private property is the root cause of all evil. Society should have no classes. The classes (Bourgeoisie = rich/ Proletariat = poor) will always clash. It is necessary for the Proletariat to violently overthrow the Bourgeoisie in a Communist Revolution. Eg. Former Soviet Union, Cuba, Vietnam, China
Believes that there should be some kind of government control or collective ownership of the production and distribution of goods. Eg. Wealth of country should be shared. Citizens should be looked after. Eg. Norway, Sweden Workers in the factory should own the factory or that the government should own it and the wealth distributed. Only certain industries should be “nationalized” like mines, hydro, railways, electricity. This should be achieved through peaceful, democratic means rather than violent revolution Socialism
Liberalism From the Latin “liber” meaning “free”. Classical Liberals believe in total freedom with little or no government. Reform Liberals believe that government should protect rights and help minimize major wealth discrepancies. Liberals believe that people should have choice. Usually this means democracy, either direct or representative. They believe that individuals have many inherent human rights—free speech, freedom of worship, freedom of press. Everyone has the responsibility to protect everyone else’s rights even if you disagree with them. “Government by the people for the people.”
Conservatism Comes from a Latin verb meaning “to save”. Conservative wish to save or protect society from radical changes caused by the radicals. Moral issues (unlike the liberals) are a matter of public concern. Eg. Abortion, pornography, same-sex marriage. Believe in economic freedom but not necessarily intellectual freedom. Respect of tradition is key with conservatives…tend to be monarchists, patriotic, majority rule.
Fascism Fascism is a radical political ideology that combines elements of: authoritarianism, nationalism, militarism, anti- anarchism, anti-communism and anti-liberalism. Fascists believes that the function of society and each member of society is to serve the state. It is a totalitarian ideology. Totalitarianism means total control of the state by one individual. Fascism was created by Italy’s Benito Mussolini. Mussolini’s ideas influenced Adolf Hitler. The ideology is very efficient but there are almost no civil liberties or freedoms. It is racist, nationalistic, cult-like, and the state run education system is designed to brainwash.
The Traditional Political Spectrum Communism Conservatism Socialism Liberalism Fascism Less economic freedom (gov’t intervenes in the economy) More gov’t involvement Less individual freedom More economic equality (redistribution of wealth) Collectivism More economic freedom (gov’t lets the free market run the economy) Less gov’t involvement Less economic equality Individualism