Thursday 5th October 2017 Mrs Morgan-Hillam – Maths Leader Y5/Y6 Maths Workshop Grab yourself a drink and have a look at our estimation station. Have a go. You may win a prize. Thursday 5th October 2017 Mrs Morgan-Hillam – Maths Leader
Aims of Tonight The Upper KS2 expectations for the year. How we assess maths at St. Oswald’s. Division and Multiplication methods. Times Tables Games to play. Estimation Stations Practical Ideas for you to help your child.
Maths at St. Oswald’s Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving – Every day is a Reasoning day. Encourage our children to be mathematical thinkers – Ping! Ping! Ping! Think of a number – what do you know about that number? Start every lesson with counting forwards and backwards. Starter – Revisit of work previously done. Main activity and Plenary Reasoning is threaded throughout – Would your rather be…?
The KLIPs documents Out Calculators Probability In Formal methods for multiplication. Calculators Formal methods for division. Probability Square numbers. Cube Numbers. Prime numbers to 100. Roman Numerals! Greater emphasis on Fractions and Percentages
How do we know how well our children are doing? Ongoing in daily maths lessons. Fortnightly / Weekly arithmetic tests. Termly assessments. Regular timed times tables tests. Self evaluation. Regular book scrutinies to identify progress in areas. End of KS2 SATs – 1 arithmetic and 2 reasoning papers of equal difficulty.
For our Y5 children They will have to sit a times tables test in Summer 2019 – at the moment but it can all change.
What do you have to know to be able to correctly solve long division questions? Double Times Tables Subtraction Understand what division is Know that the answer is sensible Possibly round up or down after division and know which one fits.
How can you help your child to conquer division? Times Tables Subtraction accuracy Doubling 2 digit numbers
Times Tables Tasks Rock, Paper, Scissors Partner Race Playing cards
Multiplication Start with the ones first. Children seem to grasp this quicker, but sometimes forget the 0 when they are multiplying by the tens digit.
Please speak to us if you need us to help at all. And finally….. Thank you for coming. Please speak to us if you need us to help at all.