Vocabulary 10 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. (7.L.6)
Rate the following words: Latin Bonus Admonish Aghast Annihilate Benefactor Bestow Devious Devoid Heed Mortal Muse Carpe diem Deus ex Machina E pluribus unum Ante bellum I know the word and can explain it I know the word, but can’t explain it I don’t know the word
Word Family Admonish (verb) To warn To criticize gently Rescue workers admonished us to stay away from the flooding river. To criticize gently The coach admonished me for missing practice. Word Family Admonition (noun) –a warning
Aghast (adj) Struck with horror; shocked We were aghast when we saw the conditions for the citizens of Aleppo.
Annihilate (verb) To destroy completely; to reduce to utter ruin It appears that President Assad is trying to annihilate the people living in Aleppo.
Benefactor (noun) A person who provides help, especially by giving money People who donated more than $100.00 were listed as benefactors of the library.
Bestow (verb) To give as an honor; to present as a gift An Academy Award is the highest honor Hollywood can bestow on a film.
Devious (adj) Having many twists and turns; winding The drivers followed the devious road up the mountain. Sneaky; not frank (truthful) or honest There is no question that the Russian leader Vladimir Putin is a devious man and not to be trusted.
Devoid (adj) Lacking, empty; entirely without It is believed that President Assad is devoid of any compassion for his people.
Word Family Heed (verb/noun) Heed (noun) –attention; notice To pay attention to Astute drivers give heed to fair warnings. Heed (noun) –attention; notice Heedful (adj) –paying careful attention Heedless (adj) –failing to pay proper attention
Mortal (noun/adj) A human being, especially as contrasted with a god Achilles, a hero in Greek mythology, had a goddess for a mother and a mortal for a father. Of or relating to human beings Because Achilles was mortal, he accepted the fact that one day he would die. Causing death; fatal India’s Prime Minister Indrira Gandhi received a mortal wound delivered by an assassin in 1984. Very severe My friend wouldn’t go into the reptile house because he has a mortal fear of snakes.
Muse (verb/noun) Verb Noun the power regarded as inspiring a poet, artist, thinker, or the like. To think about in a quiet, careful way Great artists will muse over their masterpieces for long periods of time. Many wonder who Leonardo da Vinci’s muse was for the famous painting of Mona Lisa. Synonyms: ponder, ruminate Synonyms: inspiration
ante bellum Beautiful plantations were part of the ante bellum South. Latin Bonus Before the war –commonly used in the Southern United States as antebellum to refer to the period preceding the American Civil War Beautiful plantations were part of the ante bellum South.