London Eva Kutáčová
General info capital city and the biggest city of England and United Kingdom population: 9 mil. area: 1,600 km2 lies on the River Thames seat of the queen and parliament 32 urban districts banking centre the centre of London = Westminster
History London was founded in 43 by the Romans (Londinium) 14th century – Black death (third of population died) 1666 – Great fire of London – most of the city destroyed 1831 – 1955: the biggest city in the world Damage from WW II 2nd half of 20th century – big economy development centre of international trade
Transport one of the busiest cities in the world the best public transport system in the world the main means of transport is underground which has 12 lines railways in the suburbs extensive net of bus transport Heathrow airport – the busiest airport of the world Airports- Gatwick, Stansted, Luton
Houses of Parliament Seat of the House of Lords and parliament
The Clock Tower „Big Ben“ The most famous building of UK 97 metres high tower The clock strikes exact Westminster‘s time „Big Ben“
Tower Bridge Built in 1894 in the Gothic style The towers are 64 metres high Bridge opens in 90 seconds
Tower of London The castle with crown jewels
Buckingham Palace The seat of royal family
Trafalgar Square The most famous square of London with Nelson column which is 56 m high
Hyde Park One of the biggest parks in London Area: 1.4 km2 Royal park „Green lungs of London“
London Eye The biggest sightseeing wheel in the world 135m high
Holidays and Festivals January 1 : New Year‘s day February 14 : Valentine‘s day March 1 : St. David‘s day March 17 : St. Patrick‘s day April 1 : April Fool‘s day April : Easter April 23 : St. George‘s day May 1 : May day 2nd sunday in May : Mother‘s day October 31 : Halloween November 5 : Guy Fawkes day November 11 : Remembrance day December 25 : Christmas day December 26 : Boxing day
Valentine‘s Day (February 14) In UK much more popular than in other countries Tradition: children sing special song young umarried girls wake up before sunrise, they believe that first man they see on Valentine‘s day would marry them Girls also write their lover‘s name on paper and put it on balls and drop it to the water, they believe that first man who came would be their future husband
Easter (April) Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday Special food - Hot-Cross-Buns, Simnel Cake Painting eggs Parents hide some eggs in a house or in the garden and children must look for them.
Guy Fawkes Day (November 5) Guy Fawkes was the most famous conspirator, who wanted to blow upt the English parliament in 1605 (Gunpowder plot). The conspiracy was brought and Guy Fawkes was arrested and killed. Now, Guy Fawkes day celebrates with fireworks and bonfires. Some people burn the portrait of Guy Fawkes in bonfire.
Boxing Day (December 26) On a boxing day people gave remains of food from Christmas to some box – present for poor or ill people Now, on a boxing day most shops discounts (Boxing Day Sale), so people go shopping instead of help poor.