La Joya ISD Dropout Prevention Department 2016-2017 Data Validation and Leaver Training Manual June 8, 2016
Welcome Activity
Behavior Expectations: Be prompt Be ready to learn when training begins and keep cell phones off and out of sight. Be prepared Have materials with you and use all electronics such as IPads and laptops appropriately. Be a polite and positive participant Speak in a normal tone of voice, listen attentively, and keep sidebar conversations to a minimum.
Purpose of Training Provide guidance to campus personnel in charge of the maintenance and accuracy of student records for the purposes of identifying, reporting, and data validation of student withdrawing. Provide an understanding of how to examine student records for purposes of verifying the accuracy of the leaver information reported through the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) and Appendix D. Understanding of the Leaver Codes Establish consistency across the campuses.
Definition of a Leaver Leavers are students who were served in grades 7 – 12 during the prior school year, but have not enrolled in the district during the current school year. Graduates Home School Removed by CPS Private School School outside Texas Death Return to Home Country Dropouts
Definition of a Dropout A dropout is a student who is enrolled in Texas Public School in grades 7-12, does not return to Texas Public School the end of September, is not expelled, and does not graduate, receive a GED, continue high school outside Texas, begin college or die.
Data Validation Texas Education Agency’s Division of Program Monitoring and Interventions implements the data validation monitoring system. Data used in the following: States Academic Accountability Rating System Performance Based Monitoring System State Performance Plan
Data Validation Purpose To maintain data integrity and ensure that data submitted to the Texas Education Agency are accurate and reliable. Validate accuracy of data locally, and as necessary, improve local data collection and submission procedures or address program implementation concerns. Since 1997-98, the integrity of leaver records have been evaluated annually by TEA.
PEIMS Data System General Documentation Requirements 2014-2015, 2015-2016 PEIMS Data Standards Appendix D: Leaver Reason Codes and Documentation Requirements General Documentation Requirements District must: Document withdrawal of students Document all withdrawals by leaver code Publish guidelines on leaver procedures Reason code must exist in district at the time data are submitted, no later than PEIMS Submission 1 in January resubmission date Maintain the appropriate paperwork Left during the year: reasons apply at time of withdrawal Fail to return: reasons apply during the school start window
Whose responsibility is it?
School Responsibilities Principal – Responsible for verifying and assuring that accurate Leaver data is reported in the PEIMS fall submission. Ensure that the procedures, outlined in this document, are followed. Designated Staff - Responsible for performing withdrawals and verifying documentation Assistant Principals Counselors/Campus Social Worker Attendance Clerk Administrator and Campus Graduation Task Force Committee Members to conduct leaver folder audits weekly/biweekly.
Campus Principal’s Responsibility Principal is responsible for verifying and assuring that accurate leaver data is reported in the PEIMS fall submission. Principal ensures that all of the leaver data is processed according to the PEIMS Data Standards. Principal shall designate an administrator in charge of leavers who will be responsible for verifying leaver documentation. Principal will ensure that all assigned data entry clerks be cross-trained at the campus level on the leaver documentation process.
Principal’s Designee Leaver Responsibility Acts as the authorized representative for the principal for signing withdrawal forms and other leaver documentation. Is responsible for overseeing the leaver process at the campus. Must become familiar with PEIMS Data Standards as they relate to the leaver documentation process as well as all individuals involved with the leaver process. Assigns the appropriate leaver code as per Appendix D.
Principal’s Designee Leaver Responsibility The Principal’s Designee will review entry/withdrawal report monthly using the Leaver Audit coding for accuracy, supporting documentation, and as per Appendix D specification. If an error is found, document the error on the “Discrepancy Form” which must be signed and dated by the auditor (refer to leaver form section, page 20). Designee will follow up on code 98’s throughout the year. Designee will account for all leaver folders at the end of the school year.
Attendance Clerk’s Responsibilities Attendance clerk will run a entry/withdrawal report to identify students needing to be reviewed by the Principal’s Designee. Attendance clerk will ensure that all leaver records include the most recent leaver code using the LJISD code change form (if applicable); completed withdrawal form; and documentation to support assigned leaver code as noted in Appendix D and district guidelines. Attendance clerk follows up on student to ensure that he is enrolled in school.
Attendance Clerk’s Responsibilities Attendance Clerk will secure required missing signatures from withdrawal forms, or required missing supporting documents. Incomplete documentation will be re-submitted for review by the principal’s designee to determine if it has been cleared of any discrepancies.
Attendance Clerk’s Responsibilities Create and maintains leaver folders (ie. Labeling, filing, accounting for all folders and storing) at the end of the year. Consistent use of leaver record review log form when the withdrawal folder is checked out. Attendance clerk will integrate all leaver folders from the Academies and CCC with the comprehensive High School leaver folders at the end of the year.
Withdrawal procedures
Withdrawal Procedures Who verifies withdrawals? Principal/Assistant Principal Counselor/Campus Social Worker Designated Staff The Designated Staff is responsible for ensuring all required steps are taken during the withdrawal process, proper signatures are obtained, documentation is created and withdrawal process is completed.
Withdrawal Procedures Withdrawal Process Steps Attendance Clerks can begin the process but…. The Designated Staff are the only individuals that can verify a WD Administrator/Counselor/Campus Social Worker will discuss reasons for WD with student and/or parent to provide school options. Administrator/Counselor/Social Worker will conduct an exit interview with the parent/guardian/adult (18 years old) or qualified student. The Exit Interview Record will be completed including all required information, codes, signatures and dates.
Acceptable Reasons for WD Moving to another school district Moving Out of State Migrating Private School Returning to Home Country Home Schooling
Unacceptable Reasons for WD Family Illness Vacation Marriage/Pregnancy Religious Camp or Conference Absences (unless Truancy Procedures have been completed and documented) Discipline Issues Short Term Hospital Stays
Withdrawal Form Signatures Withdrawal documentation is incomplete without a date, signature and destination. Documentation must be signed by a designated/authorized district representative.
Withdrawal form signatures Withdrawal documentation should also be signed for the student by a: parent, or guardian, or responsible adult as recorded in school records, such as a foster parent or a probation officer, or qualified student.
Who is a Qualified Student? Qualified student. A qualified student is one who, at the time he/she stops attending school: is married, or is 18 years or older, or has established a residence separate and apart from the student’s parent, guardian, or other person having lawful control of the student.
NEW… JUST IN! Texas Homeless Education Office at UT-DANA Center If a student has been identified as homeless Unaccompanied youth coded homeless (students under the age of 18) cannot withdraw themselves or sign withdrawal documentation. Scenario: (Unaccompanied youth coded homeless enrolls at different campus). Campus A requests records from Campus B. Campus B withdrawals student. It is a Campus to Campus withdrawal. Secure appropriate documentation to validate code (refer to Appendix D for verification of documentation required).
At time of withdrawal provide District option list: Dropout Options At time of withdrawal provide District option list: Cal Lab at the comprehensive HS Optional Flexible School Day Program Academies CCC GED
What if!
Appendix D
Understanding Appendix D Appendix D PEIMS DATA Standards includes expanded definitions and specific documentation guidelines for each of the leaver reasons. Districts must document the withdrawal of students and maintain appropriate documentation.
Understanding Appendix D Signatures on Documentation Must be signed and dated by authorized representative of the district. The district should have a written policy stating who can act as an authorized representative. Must be signed by parent, or guardian, or responsible adult. (i.e. foster parent, probation officer or qualified student) Original signature not required on withdrawal forms received by fax or email. Written documentation of oral statements made in person or phone is acceptable in some situations, if it is signed and dated by district representative. Documentation is considered incomplete without: date, signature and destination. All blanks should be completed.
Code 60 – Student is home schooled Documentation requirements: A district must document that the parent/guardian is home schooling the student. Per federal requirement, it is NOT permissible for a district to document that, at the time of withdrawal, the student intended to be home schooled. Beginning with students leaving in the 2011-12 school the following documentation is required to verify enrollment: Verification by the parent/guardian. A letter, signed and dated, from the parent/guardian stating that the student is being home schooled is acceptable documentation. Letters from parents/guardians MUST indicate the actual date home schooling began.
Code 66 – Removal by Child Protective Services (CPS) Documentation Requirements: Acceptable documentation includes due process documentation supporting the withdrawal; a written statement, signed and dated by the CPS officer, including the CPS officer’s name and contact information, or written documentation of an oral statement by a CPS representative that the child was removed, including the CPS representative’s name, the date of the conversation, and the signature of the school official.
Documentation Required: Code 81 – Enrolled in a private school in Texas Code 82 – Enrolled in a public or private school outside of Texas Documentation Required: Per federal requirement, it is NOT permissible for a district to document that, at the time of withdrawal, the student intended to enter another educational setting. Beginning with students leaving in the 2011-12 school year, a district must document that the student has actually enrolled in a private school in Texas, the Texas Job Corps Diploma Program, or a private or public school outside Texas.
Code 81 – Enrolled in a private school in Texas Code 82 – Enrolled in a public or private school outside of Texas One of the following types of documentation is required to verify enrollment: Transcript request. Acceptable documentation of enrollment in another school is a records request from the school in which the student is enrolled. Telephone request are acceptable, but they must be documented in writing, including the date of the call, the name of the school requesting the records, the name of the person making the request, and the name of the person who received the call. Telephone requests should appear on a standardized, district-approved form. The original of the form should be included in the student’s permanent file.
Code 81 – Enrolled in a private school in Texas Code 82 – Enrolled in a public or private school outside of Texas One of the following types of documentation is required to verify enrollment: Verification by the superintendent or authorized campus or district administrator of receiving district. A signed letter from the receiving school verifying enrollment is acceptable documentation. The letter must state the name and location of the school in which the student is enrolled and the date of enrollment. Other acceptable documentation is written documentation of an oral statement by a representative of the receiving school providing the name and location of and contact information for the school and verifying that the student is enrolled, signed and dated by an authorized campus or district administrator or the district.
Code 81 – Enrolled in a private school in Texas Code 82 – Enrolled in a public or private school outside of Texas One of the following types of documentation is required to verify enrollment: Verification by the parent/guardian or qualified student: Acceptable documentation includes a letter, signed and dated, from the parent/guardian or qualified student stating that the student has enrolled in a private school in Texas or a private or public school outside of Texas leading to the completion of a high school diploma.
Code 83 – Withdrawn by district because not entitled to enrollment Documentation requirement: 1. District provides oral or written notice, appropriately documented, to the student’s parent, guardian or qualified student of intent to withdraw the student, reasons for the withdrawal, effective date of withdrawal and date of hearing or conference at which the parent, guardian or qualified student will have an opportunity to respond to the allegations that the student is not entitled to be enrolled in the district.
Code 83 – Withdrawn by district because not entitled to enrollment Documentation requirement: 2. District provides a hearing or conference at which the district presents the reasons for withdrawal, and the parent, guardian, or qualified student is given the opportunity to respond to the reasons for withdrawal. 3. District provides a written report to the parent, guardian or qualified student that contains the findings of fact and district decision following the hearing or conference. The written report shall include notice to the parent’s, guardian’s or qualified student’s right to appeal the district’s decision. Steps 2 & 3 are not required when everyone agrees that the student is not entitled to enrollment.
Code 83 – Withdrawn by district because not entitled to enrollment Documentation requirement: 4. Charter districts shall notify the school district in which the student resides within three business days of withdrawing a student from a charter school, per Texas Administrative Code §100.1211.
Code 03 – Student dies Documentation requirement: Acceptable documentation includes a copy of the death certificate or obituary, a program from the funeral or memorial service, a written statement from the parent or guardian, and written documentation of an oral statement by a parent or guardian stating that the student had died.
Code 16 – Return to family’s home country Documentation requirement: Acceptable documentation is a copy of the Transfer Document for Binational Migrant Student completed at the time the student withdraws from school, signed and dated by an authorized campus or district administrator. Acceptable documentation is also a copy of the withdrawal form signed and dated by the parent/guardian or qualified student and a campus or district administrator. The withdrawal form should specify the destination. An original signature is not required on withdrawal form received in the district by fax. Withdrawal forms received by e-mail do not need to be signed by the parent/guardian or qualified student.
Code 16 – Return to family’s home country Documentation requirement: A signed letter from the parent/guardian or qualified student stating that the student is leaving school because the student is returning to the home country is also acceptable documentation. Acceptable documentation for foreign exchange students includes a written, signed, and dated statement from the student’s hose family or foreign student advisor verifying the student’s return to his/her home country. Other acceptable documentation is written documentation of an oral statement by an adult neighbor or other adult with knowledge of the family’s whereabouts, signed and dated by an authorized campus or district administrator.
Code 80 – Enrolled in another Texas Public School District Documentation Requirement: Verification by the parent/guardian or qualified student: Acceptable documentation includes a letter, signed and dated, from the parent/guardian or qualified student stating that the student has enrolled in a public school in Texas leading to the completion of a high school diploma. Code 80 is reported to TEA on a weekly basis.
Movers Students who move to other Texas Public School District (80) are not reported to TEA as a leaver Students who intend to enroll in another Texas school district but do not are counted as dropouts The final determination of whether students are movers or dropouts will be made by TEA Movers must be enrolled by the end of the School Start Window (Sep 29th) Campus will use Student Enrollment Verification form, PID/PET system, or T-Rex for tracking movers
Mover Documentation Records Request (T-Rex) Telephone request – must capture request info in writing – data, school name, requestor’s name, receiver’s name PID/PET documentation Student Enrollment Verification Form - signed form from receiving school
Code 68 – Transfer with the La Joya School District. Local Code: Verification by the parent/guardian or qualified student: Acceptable documentation includes withdrawal form from previous campus stating that the student has withdrawn and is enrolling at another campus within the La Joya School District. Copy of the entry/withdrawal screen verifying enrollment.
Code 98 – Other Unknown Definition and use: This code is used for students who are withdrawn by the school district after a period of time because they have quit attending school and their reason for leaving is not known. It is also used for student who withdrew from/left school for reasons not listed.
District Goals To Increase Student Graduation Rate To Reduce the Dropout Rate (NCES Accountability) To Reduce School Leavers (TEA Standards) To Recover and Recruit Students to the District To Ensure Student Re-Engagement to School
District & Campus Goals: Graduation Rate Targets 4 Year Graduates: 83% 5 Year Graduates: 88%
Annual Dropout Rate Year Annual LEP Dropout Rate LJISD 2011-12 3.70% LJHS 2011-12 4.30% JLHS 2011-12 3.30% PHS 2011-12 3.60% LJISD 2012-13 3.00% LJHS 2012-13 4.20% JLHS 2012-13 2.80% PHS 2012-13 2.20% LJISD 2013-14 2.70% LJHS 2013-14 3.50% JLHS 2013-14 PHS 2013-14 1.90%
Examining reports for data validation Examine withdrawal report for miscoding. For example, students coded “Code 60 – Home schooling” but never enrolled in a home schooling program. Examining leavers records for required documentation. Acquiring the proper documentation and signatures. Establishing a routine to examine data (Set time and place for reviewing leavers).
Spring Campus Audit Findings April 2016 Key Considerations Statutes/Rules/Guidelines: Develop procedures for tracking and accounting of Leaver Reason Codes and Leaver Records. Process and Procedures: Ensure that leaver tracking form is used consistently to document any follow ups within 10 days of withdrawal. Ensure the withdrawal reason is specific. (For Example: Moving to Granbury, Texas) For each contact made, ensure that a leaver tracking form is used. Do not add on to an existing form. ** Ensure that required signatures and dates are on all documents. Ensure that DVM Leaver Checklist is attached and appropriate code checked off to all withdrawal folders. ** Ensure that updated forms are being used and old forms are discarded** Do not use white-out to correct mistakes. Draw one line across the mistake and initial and date. ** Ensure that Administrator or designee conducts Exit Interview and assigns correct leaver codes. If a staff member is assisting in completing the withdrawal reason on Exit Interview, they need indicate their name, title and date. Original Exit Interview form needs to be in red folder. ** Original withdrawal form is filed in a binder and a copy is filed in the red folder. Ensure that all grades are posted on the withdrawal form. If grades are not available, attach computerized grade sheets or transcript. Indicate “See Attached” on withdrawal form. If student is of age (19) or emancipated and can withdraw themselves, indicate “Adult Student” on withdrawal form.
Data Quality: Ensure that all documents have required signatures, all blanks are completed and withdrawal and signature dates match, or indicate with “N/A”. ** Ensure that each Leaver folder has an appropriate label. Ensure that last name is first then first name is last on the labels. (Ex: Doe, John) It must also have current school year indicated. ** In assigning Code 98, future follow-ups are required within 10 days. Indicate these follow-ups on Leaver Tracking form and use Code Change Form as necessary. On all forms, ensure the consistency of pen usage. Use only black ink; no color ink on forms. Remove post-it notes from all documents. ** On red folder labels, ensure that correct label code is assigned (LEAVER OR MOVER), and that the label reflects the correct Leaver Code assigned. When changing a Leaver Code on a label, it must be initialed and dated. Use Code Change form to indicate new code assigned. Leaver Code 16 requires city, state and country on Exit Interviews. Leaver Code 80 requires two modalities to support the code. Refer to DVM. Dates on computerized withdrawal forms and signatures must match. If dates do not match, use a discrepancy form to explain. Secure complete documentation before assigning a Leaver Code. Ensure the correct student ID is used on all forms.
Staff Training: Train all pertinent campus staff involved in the leaver process. (Administrator, Social Worker, Attendance Clerk, etc.) Ensure backup personnel is sent to trainings in case of an absence in order to bring back latest information. Campus Monitoring: Conduct periodic reviews of process and procedures used to document leavers and validate supporting documentation prior to PEIMS submissions. MIDDLE SCHOOLS & ALTERNATIVE CAMPUSES: Establish a Campus Graduation Task Force Committee made up of the Administrator in Charge of Leavers, Social Worker and Attendance Clerk to meet regularity to review Leaver Folders.
School Start Window Students must return during the period of time between the 1st day of school (Aug. 22nd) and the last Friday in September (Sep. 29th) to be counted as having returned to school Students who do not return during the school start window are considered dropouts Migrant students are excluded, still reported as drop-outs, but students need to re-enroll in an educational setting by the resubmission date (January 2017)
School Leaver Recruitment Use of Blackboard to Announce School Start Date Telephone Calls Home Visits Seal the Deal Community Walk Enrollment by September 29, 2016
Dropout Prevention Program Juarez-Lincoln High School Contact Information: Dropout Prevention Program Bertha Perez, Coordinator (956) 323-2689 La Joya High School Claudia M. Gonzalez, Graduation Specialist (956) 584-2456 Juarez-Lincoln High School Erika Salinas, Graduation Specialist (956) 519-4172 Palmview High School Melissa G. Zavala, Graduation Specialist (956) 519-5779