to put someone or something in danger of being hurt, damaged, or destroyed ____________ the natural home of a plant or animal _____________ to be likely to harm or destroy something __________ to become less or go down to a lower level, or to make something do this _________ the fact of no longer having something, or of having less of it than you used to have ______________ an area of land where wild animals and plants are protected _____________ animals and plants growing in natural conditions __________ endanger habitat threaten decrease loss reserve wildlife
These animals are disappearing in our world Why are some animals and plants disappearing?
The importance of wildlife 1. The Earth’s biodiversity(生物多样性) supports human life and society. We depend on other organisms(生物体), at least to some degree, for almost every element(元素) of our lives. Our food, our medicines, chemicals, a variety of building materials, and much of our clothing come from living things. 2. From a broad point of view, beyond the specific(具体的)needs of human beings, preserving (save) species(物种) is essential (extremely necessary ) for ecological (生态的) reasons. Forests, for example, provide a vital (very important) ecosystem service: removing massive (大量的) amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as plants create food through photosynthesis.
3. Living organisms have also supplied almost all of our most important medicines. Since we have identified only a tiny amount of all the organisms on Earth, we can be certain that many new sources of medicine remain to be discovered. 4. Every area of knowledge has benefited from the study of living things. 5. But perhaps the most basic reason to protect species is an ethical(伦理的) one, rather than one based on ecology or economics. …
The problem the pandas face in China is that they do not have enough food because of the loss of bamboo growing area. To solve this problem, China has set up a protection zone in Sichuan Province for the pandas. It is called the Wolong Nature Reserve. Thanks to that, things have changed for the better. The number of pandas has risen from very few to around 1,600 after the increase of bamboo areas for the pandas.
1. An example of the fact that a lot of animals are endangered / in danger of disappearing. 2. An example of wildlife protection 3. An example of what we can get from wildlife Daisy took a flying carpet to travel and talked with some animals, which helped her know the importance of the wildlife protection.