Y9 Social Studies Exam
Write a report about the Arab-Israeli conflict: Information you should include: • The Jewish and the Arab claims to the land of Palestine. 4 marks • What happened to the Jews when they were kicked out of Palestine giving examples. 4 marks • Definition of Zionism, how, when and who started it explaining 3 reasons why it was a powerful force. 10 marks • What agreements happened between the Arabs and the English during the WW1? 4 marks • What Balfour declaration was about? 3 marks
The Jewish and the Arab claims to the land of Palestine. 4 marks Jewish holy land. They occupied this land from 1400 BC to the 130s when the Roman expelled them. Jewish holy sites in Jerusalem. Holy land for Muslims. They faced Jerusalem to pray. Dome of the Rock where Muhammed ascended to heavan.
What happened to the Jews when they were kicked out of Palestine giving examples. 4 marks Diaspora 130s. Jewish people killed, ensalved or exiled after the Bar Kokhba rebellion agaist the Emperor Hadrian in 132. The emperor also changed the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina, turned it into a Roman pagan city and forbade the Jews from living there.
Definition of Zionism, how, when and who started it explaining 3 reasons why it was a powerful force. 10 marks Zionism was the belief that Palestine was the rightful home of the Jewish people. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, support for the Zionists grew; there were some serious attempts by the Jews to emigrate to Palestine. Powerful force because of pogroms, anti-semitic feelings and need to find a safe place.
What agreements happened between the Arabs and the English during the WW1? 4 marks 1915: the McMahon Letters Between British and Arabs Promised the Arabs independence from the Turks In return, the Arabs would join the war effort against the Turks The Arabs saw this as a recognition that Palestine was their land 1916: the Sykes-Picot agreement A secret wartime agreement between the British and French an agreement that Britain and France would share the Ottoman Empire between them - Britain would get Palestine Arabs felt betrayed and angered
What Balfour declaration was about? 3 marks 1917: the Balfour Declaration Between the British and Jews The British government would support the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine if: they did not upset the Arab population convinced the USA to join the war effort