Factors Influencing Patient Satisfaction in a Glaucoma Population Remy S. Manzi Muhire, MBBS, MPH; Jonathan S. Myers, MD; Sarah R. Myers; Yang Dai, MS; Kamran Rahmatnejad, MD; Michael Waisbourd, MD; Lisa A. Hark, PhD, RD Glaucoma Research Center, Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia, PA Purpose Results Table 1. Demographics and clinical data A total of 69 patients enrolled. Demographics and clinical characteristics of the study patients are shown in Table 1. Mean (±SD) age was 67.9 (±14.0) years, and patients were predominantly female (59.4%, n=41/69). Mean (±SD) satisfaction score of patients regarding their glaucoma specialist was 9.7 (±0.8) (Figure 1). Nearly all patients surveyed (97.1%) would recommend the glaucoma specialist’s office to a family member or a friend (Table 1). Satisfaction scores did not differ among gender or ethnic groups (P=0.588 and P=0.164, respectively). No significant correlation found between mean satisfaction score and age (P=0.93), VA in the better eye (P=0.64), VF mean deviation in the better eye (P=0.12), cup-to-disc ratio (P=0.19), distance to patient’s home (P=0.46), office wait time (P=0.33), number of glaucoma medications (P=0.11), and outside weather (P=0.20) (Table 2). Mean age (±SD) 67.9 (±14) Gender (n, %) Female Male 41 (59.4%) 28 (40.6%) Race/Ethinicty (n, %) Caucasian African American Other 48 (69.6%) 17 (24.6%) 4 (5.8%) Type of glaucoma (n, %) OAG NTG PXFG ACG 47 (68.1%) 9 (13.0%) 3 (4.3%) 1 (1.4%) Prior surgery (n, %) 22 (31.8%) Prior laser (n, %) 40 (57.9%) Mean satisfaction score (±SD) 9.7 (±0.8) Patient would recommend the glaucoma specialist’s office to their family/friend (n, %) Definitely Somewhat 67 (97.1%) 2 (2.9%) Mean distance from clinic (miles) (±SD) 24.42 (±25.21) Mean office wait (minutes) (±SD) 74.26 (±43.33) Mean number of eye drops (±SD) 2.30 (±1.53) Mean outside temperature (°F) (±SD) 87.97 (±3.86) Table 2. Correlations between mean satisfaction score and clinical variables r P Value Age 0.01 0.93 VA in better eye -0.06 0.64 VF mean deviation in better eye -0.2 0.12 Cup-to-disc ratio -0.16 0.19 Distance (miles) 0.09 0.46 Office waiting time (minutes) -0.12 0.33 Number of eye drops -0.20 0.11 Outside temperature (°F) -0.15 0.20 To investigate possible interactions between patient demographics, clinical factors, and other variables and satisfaction survey responses of patients with glaucoma. Methods A 37-question satisfaction survey was administered to 69 patients with glaucoma prior to their appointment in a Glaucoma Service at Wills Eye Hospital. Demographic data, glaucoma diagnosis, disease severity, and prior and current treatments were documented. Timing of appointment, visual acuity (VA), visual field (VF) data, distance to patient’s home, and outside weather were documented. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1=lowest, 10=highest) satisfaction score regarding their glaucoma specialist was recorded for each patient. Statistical Analysis: ANOVA test was used to compare satisfaction score differences between categorical variables. Spearman correlation coefficients were calculated between patient satisfaction scores and patient specific variables. VA: Visual Acuity; VF: Visual Field Conclusions This pilot study suggests that glaucoma patients were highly satisfied with their eye care. There were no significant correlations between the investigated outcome measures and satisfaction levels, possibly due to the uniformly high satisfactions rates. Lowest Highest Contact: Remy S. Manzi Muhire, MBBS, MPH rmanzi@willseye.org 9.7 ▼ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Funded by the Ann and George Spaeth Research Fund at Wills Eye Hospital. Figure 1. Mean satisfaction score SD: Standard Deviation; OAG: Open Angle Glaucoma; NTG: Normal Tension Glaucoma; PXFG: Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma; ACG: Angle Closure Glaucoma