Scott Hudson
Scott Hudson Professor in HCI Institute in CS at CMU since ’97ish (source: Fogarty) directs the HCII PhD program Associate Professor at Georgia Tech (‘92-’97) Assistant Professor at Arizona (‘86-’91) Ph.D. in CS at Colorado in 1986 “A User Interface Management System Which Supports Direct Manipulation” advisor: Roger King
Scott Hudson Elected to the CHI Academy in 2006 Published over 100 technical papers In top 20 "most frequent authors" in HCI Program Chair for UIST '90 & '00 Symposium Chair for UIST '93 Founding UIST doc symposium chair ‘03-’05 Founding Associate Editor for ToCHI
Scott Hudson Situationally Appropriate Interaction & Managing Human Attention Interruption Study Understanding and Supporting Instant Message Communications Perceptually Optimized Displays Applied to In-Car Navigation Hardware, Physical Interaction and New Devices Rapid Prototyping for Physical Interaction (Hardware Toolkits) Projector-Based Location Discovery and Tracking New Sensors, Input Devices and Displays Kinetic Typography Tools and Toolkits Toolkits for Graphical User Interfaces Handling Inputs with Uncertainty
BOXES Rapid Construction of Functioning Physical Interfaces from Cardboard, Thumbtacks, Tin Foil and Masking Tape
BOXES Building Objects for eXploring Executable Sketches Quick prototyping for embedded devices Both look like and work like Short design/implement/test cycle
Thumbtack based buttons Action Cutter translates button presses and releases into UI events (clicks, keypresses) Allows non-programmers to script actions No display
The Hardware
User Feedback Two rounds of testing Testers found it useful Limitations No screen Stateless Limited sensors