Activity 3
1.) Write The Question You Are Investigating How does the mass of an object affect the amount of PE and KE it has?
2.)Write What You Think Will Happen If we drop 2 spheres of different masses from the same height, then the __________ sphere will…
3.) List The Materials You Will Use 2 Spheres Meter Stick and measuring tape Spring Scale Cloth bag Sand
4.) Write The Steps You Will Take Weigh the spheres Drop a heavy sphere from 1 meter height into sand and measure the indent it makes (x3) Repeat step 2 but with the wooden sphere Record data
5.) Make A Chart To Organize Your Data Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average Wooden Sphere __5__ g Steel Sphere __70__ g Observations:
Rewrite your hypothesis to make it correct Conclusion Claim: Write your hypothesis if correct OR Rewrite your hypothesis to make it correct I believe that if…..then….
Conclusion Evidence: Explain what your data tells us (patterns you see) From the experiment, the data showed that… Also include observations I noticed that…
Conclusion Reasoning: Make connections from what you already to know to what you just learned Key words/ concepts to include: Potential Energy Kinetic Energy Gravity Mass Same mass/ different mass Same heights/Different heights
Conclusion Future: What would I do differently next time and why? If I were to do this experiment again I would …. because….