The Great Fire of London Homework The children in Year 2 have been learning about the Great Fire of London this half term. This topic seems to have really caught their imaginations and we’ve had lots of fun in class carrying out research, writing fire investigation reports and making Tudor houses. For homework this half-term we are setting the children a challenge. We would like them to produce something relating to the Great Fire of London. Children can use their imaginations to create what they want but some ideas are: Imagine you lived in London in 1666. Write a diary about the fire describing what it was like to be caught up in the event. Write and illustrate a poem about the Great Fire of London. Create a PowerPoint or poster about the Great Fire of London. Remember to include lots of interesting facts. Create a map of London in 1666 showing the location of the bakery in Pudding Lane, the River Thames and where the fire spread. You could draw this or create a collage. Find out about important people from this famous event, for example Samuel Pepys. Choose how to present your findings (poster, PowerPoint, booklet). Make a model of a Tudor house. Create a picture showing a scene from London during the fire. You could draw, paint, collage or use a computer to creature your picture. Make a model or drawing to show how you would have redesigned the city following the Great Fire. You can choose one of these ideas or think of your own. Some useful websites are: We look forward to seeing your creations after half term.