BCMS Mrs. Harvey’s 6th grade Class Parent/Curriculum Night tHURSDAY, October 20, 2016
ELA – The Test The new FSA (Florida Standards Assessment) replaces FCAT 2.0. It includes a Reading and writing component for each grade level. A writing field test will be administered in December at selected schools. We do not yet know if we are selected. Once the field tests is administered, the weight of the writing component will be determined. The writing component of the ELA test can count anywhere from 10% to 50% of the total ELA score. The FSA is computer-based. Students will type any written responses using the computer keyboard. To view the detailed test specifications and a sample test, go to www.fsassessments.org. You can take the practice test, just click sign in, select grade, and give it a try. (There is also an answer key.)
ELA – Sample This test includes the use of sound with standards for speaking and listening.
ELA – Sample For this sample passage, students are required to answer 9 questions. Some, as shown here, are multiple-choice.
ELA – Sample Some are drag and drop in correct order.
ELA – Sample Some are multi-part, so part B depends on part A.
ELA – Sample Some include social studies content area, Geography.
ELA – Sample Some require a typed response.
ELA – Sample Some require text selection.
ELA – Sample Some require drag and drop in order.
ELA – Sample This question requires clicking on a highlighted word and selecting the correct phrase to replace it.
ELA – Sample This question requires students to select the highlighted phrase and type a correction.
ELA – Sample This requires listening to science podcast to answer questions.
Achievement Levels NEXT YEAR: Students scoring an achievement level of a 1 or 2 on the 6th grade Reading FSA will have an additional one hour reading class in 7th grade. These classes are designed to give additional reading support to children who are performing below grade level. *Students who score a 1 in math and a 1 in reading will have two intensive classes and will have no electives or PE or Band classes in 7th grade.
SUCCESS in READING To be successful in Reading, students should: READ!! AR requirement is specific for each class. Stay organized. Come to school!!!! How parents can help: Make sure your child is reading AT LEAST 20 minutes each night! Ask to see graded classwork and tests Check students planner Sign up for Skyward access Sign up for Remind 101 Check Renaissance home connect often to check AR points, and AR testing history. Sign up for e-mail notifications.
Schedules Monday: Write assignments in planner, take notes Weekly Daily Monday: Write assignments in planner, take notes Tuesday: Read our weekly story. Discuss, answer questions Wednesday: Do skills practices or review if needed. Library every 3 weeks. Thursday: Skills Practices and reviews…weekly and spiral reviews Friday: Selection Test and AR when tests are completed. Enter class and do the daily brain teaser. Complete the opening task which is written on the board. Classwork (Notes, Practices, Reviews, Tests) Homework: I give no assigned homework other than for students to read 20-30 minutes each night.
Reading Categories
End Thank you for joining us to review our course and testing guidelines.