6th Grade Social Studies Mr. Hague
Who is Mr. Hague? This is my 13th year teaching in the Cobb County School System. I have taught 6th and 8th grade Social Studies as well as Elementary/Middle school D.A.R.E. curriculum I have taught at Tapp Middle School, Smitha Middle School and opened Lovinggood in 2006. Teaching is my second career, I am a former police officer and police academy instructor. I have been married for 31 years and have 3 children.(Two of which opened this school in 6th grade also)
6th grade Social Studies This year in Social Studies we will study Geography, History, Government and Economics of the following: Europe Canada Latin America Australia
6th grade SS standards will change next school year. Curriculum Our curriculum is based on the Standards set forth by the state of Georgia. 6th grade SS standards will change next school year.
Textbook-my World Studies The textbook is on line and is aligned more closely than in the past to our standards. It is just one of the resources we will use. Each student has been issued a user name and password to read the online edition of the book. We have a class set of books to use in our classroom.
What is C.U.C.? I am in school early Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays and late Tuesdays and Thursdays for Catch Up Club. *Additional Days before/after school may be added as needed It opens at 8:15. Pick up by 5:30 Students see me for a pass to attend. Help for struggling students. Help for absent students. Quiet place to study. Ask questions of Mr. Hague Not for getting caught up due to fooling around in class…
Mead 5-Star Notebook (Minimum of 3 subject) Glue Stick Materials Mead 5-Star Notebook (Minimum of 3 subject) Glue Stick Colored Pencils(and sharpener) Pen
Social Studies Notebook As mentioned before, our curriculum is based on the Standards and there is no ONE book to go to for the information needed, therefore we are making one. Each assignment and activity that we do in the classroom will be written or glued into the notebook. When it is time to study or review for a quiz, test, benchmark test or the Georgia Milestone Test, the student will have everything they need in one place…the SSNB One reason for asking for the Mead 5-Star is that it can stand up to a year’s worth of work and use. Catch Up Club is a great place to update the SSNB. Tips on keeping up with the notebook are on my blog.
A day in Social Studies Come in and copy today’s agenda…not just the homework. Begin Warm-Up (done individually and then gone over in whole group). The warm-ups are usually used to preview or review vocabulary. Lesson/Activity
Instruction Whole class Individual work Pairs (class activities, graphic organizers, share and compare) Groups (flexible, differentiated, cooperative) Varied assessments Focus on writing and document analysis Multiple formats
Late Work Policy Lovinggood’s Late Work Policy: “Oops Opportunity” This policy applies to “Missed” deadlines only. This is when a student is PRESENT and does not have his/her assignment. Level I: Involves the use of the “Oops” card Level II: Involves attending “Fix It Friday” If a student has used the two “Oops” cards in any given class, and has repeated the practice of having “Missed” assignments, the student can choose to attend the administration’s “Fix It Friday” Session OR ACCEPT THE ZERO. Sick: student will have the same number of days they were out, plus an extra day to get work in.
Syllabus The course syllabus as well as the standards based grading information can be found on my blog. It is a page on my blog and can be accessed by clicking on it. The syllabus is for 1st 9 weeks and will be updated at the beginning of the second 9 weeks.
communication Blog http://www.cobblearning.net/rhague/ *This can be accessed through the school website. Email Robert.hague@cobbk12.org *This can be accessed through the school website or blog.
Conference Week October 17- 21
Thank you for coming tonight I know that we are going to have a great year! Please log-in to the 6th grade parent info form on the LMS website…..found on the “Parent Info” tab at the top