To Kill a Mockingbird Mythological journey
23-24 August 2016-Agenda check Please get out your agenda and fill it in Warm-up: Respond to the following question independently and in complete sentences: In your opinion, which character from To Kill A Mockingbird displayed the most growth/change/transformation over the course of the novel. Defend your answer with examples from the plot (page numbers not required).
Warm-up Swap Get up and trade your warm-up response with a peer that is the same suit as you (heart, diamonds, clubs, etc.) Take it back to your seat and silently read your peer’s response to the warm up. If you LOVE this response- please sit on top of your desk and I will select some of you to read these responses (please keep the writer anonymous).
Remember Our Essential questions: What does it mean to “come of age”? What are the stages of the mythological journey?
Learning goal: SWBAT… Identify the stages of the mythological journey that characters from To Kill a Mockingbird experienced throughout the novel. Based on our notes from yesterday, can you make the connection?
Review: With a Shoulder Partner Describe (in your own words) the following stages: Innocence Initiation Chaos Resolution Prepare to share your answers!
Directions In your group: Complete the “Mythological Journey Chart” For: Jem or Scout
Create a visual representation of jem or scout’s mythological journey! Your visual representation must: Include the character’s name as the TITLE of your poster Include all group member names on the back of the poster with the period # be set up with 4 quadrants labeling each of the 4 stages Include color/pictures/symbols reflecting each of the stages Include a short justification (3-5 sentences) describing how your images represent EACH myth journey stage (BACK SIDE)
Mrs. Snyder’s fairytale views of love and family INNOCENCE INITIATION CHAOS RESOLUTION
Questions Before We Begin?