Gleanings from the Pentateuch The Unfolding Story of the Kingdom of God
“God’s people in God’s place under God’s rule and blessing” The Kingdom of God “God’s people in God’s place under God’s rule and blessing”
The Kingdom of God Response of God’s People: singing praise as an act of worship Exodus 15 – the first recorded worship song in the Bible (the first psalm) a “necessary” response to God’s great act of deliverance flowed from their fear and faith in Yahweh
The Song of the Sea Features of the Song: 1. God-centeredness a poetic rehearsal of God’s saving actions a recitation of God’s attributes both about God and to God
The Song of the Sea Features of the Song: 2. Future-orientation certain hope in Yahweh’s future victory over their enemies certain hope in their inheritance in the promised land
The Song of the Sea Kingdom Connection: 1. Paradigm of God’s ongoing victory Egypt/Pharaoh comes to represent all God’s enemies It points to multiple kingdom fulfillments
The Song of the Sea Kingdom Connection: 2. Prophetic of God’s ultimate victory Ultimately speaks of Yahweh’s future, eternal kingdom The “song of Moses” has its completion in the “song of the Lamb”
The Song of the Sea The “Necessity” of Singing 1. Singing is an essential, irreplaceable component of true worship singing more readily involves the affections than other forms of worship Singing combines “head” and heart” – real emotions based on objective truth
The Song of the Sea The “Necessity” of Singing 2. Singing is the natural overflow of a heart delighting in God lack of singing is evidence of a heart issue singing is not necessarily the evidence of a heart that delights in God