Praise Him with a Song Psalm 150
Hallelujah! Praise Yah ( YHVH)- An invitation to praise the LORD. v.1 God alone is worthy of our praise and worship- Psalm 95:4-5 II Samuel 22:4 Revelation 4:11 Where is the devotion of our hearts? Isaiah 29:13 Romans 12:1-2- Avodah She’balev- Service of the heart
Where Should We Worship God? In His Sanctuary- v.1- Exodus 29:44-46 But not limited to earthly temples Isaiah 66:1 Acts 7:48 In His heavens-v.1 - Psalm 19:1 Romans 1:19,20 The heavenly beings praise and worship God- Nehemiah 9:6 Revelation 19:6-7 Hallelujah- Heavenly praise! A dress rehearsal Isaiah 6:1-4 Acts 4:31; 16:26
Why Should We Worship God? For His mighty deeds- v.2 Psalm 71:15,16 According to His excellent greatness Psalm 66:3- tell God how excellent He is! The Kadesh – Magnified and sanctified is your great and Holy Name!- Mary’s song Luke 1:49 The Lord’s Prayer- Matthew 6:9 Question?- Is this where our worship begins?
How and With What? The trumpet-v.3 The Shofar Announcing the new moon and festivals Psalm 81:1-3 Gathering the people, alarm, military preparedness Joshua 6:20 Judges 3:27-28 Judges 7:15-22 Announcing the Jubilee Leviticus 25:9,10 Announcing God’s appearance- Exodus 19:16-22 Before the Ark of the Lord- II Samuel 6:15 The coming of Messiah- Zechariah 9:14-16 The ingathering of Israel from exile - Isaiah 27:13 Judgement- Joel 2:1-3 See also Revelation 8:1-10:7
Everything that makes Song! v. 4-5 Lute and harp-v.5 Genesis 4:21 Psalm 33:2 I Samuel 16:23 David and Saul Tambourine and dance- Exodus 15:20 II Samuel 6:5 Strings and pipe –v.4 Psalm 92:3 Sounding cymbals - Loud!
Everything that has Breath! v.6 Hallelujah!