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eSchoolPLUS DDC Training Agenda Regents Preprints Student Class Grade Detail Student Credit GPA Career Path Code “New” Student Linking Report
Regents Preprint Due date for preprint extract is 5/11/2016 All students must be in a course to be included in the preprint extract. Retakers and students taking both a common core regents and a standard regents can be scheduled into courses or entered using Mark Entry By Course. There are two helpful documents on the eSchoolPLUS web page under “eSchoolPLUS How Tos”: How to Schedule Students into Regents Exam Courses under Scheduling How to Run COGNOS Extract for Preprinting Regents Answer Sheets under COGNOS Extracts Run the preprint extract in COGNOS > Mark Reporting > Extracts
Regents Preprint Remember to save the extract file as a formatted text space delimited file. “.prn” Please include any student who might take a regents exam. It is better to have extra preprinted answer sheets than to use blank answer sheets.
Student Class Grade Detail A Student Class Grade Detail record must be submitted for all students in K-12 courses who have a Staff Student Course record, unless all of the following are true: No grade or other outcome is awarded for the class; No credit is earned for the class; and The linkage is not reflected on the student's report card or transcript. All reported courses must include a course outcome: “P” for “pass,” “F” for “fail,” or “N” for “not complete” (for any reason). Final grades (alpha or numeric) and credits attempted/earned are required to be reported for all secondary-level courses (Grades 7–12 and ungraded secondary).
Student Class Grade Detail Make sure Student Lite and School Entry/Exit data is up to date in Level 0 If Regents Exam results have been factored into a course grade, update the Regents Factored into Grade field on the NY Course Information screen Path: Scheduling Center > Master Schedule > NY Course Information
Student Class Grade Detail Update the NYS Information screen for each building to indicate the mark type to use for the Final Grade Path: Administration > System Setup > Building > Building Data Entry > NY State Information Verify that student grades have been entered for the mark types you are reporting
Student Class Grade Detail The Student Class Grade Detail download includes all course-sections defined in the Master Schedule with the “Marks Are” field set as T-Retained for Transcripts. Make sure the appropriate level table is assigned to the Master Schedule course-section in the Course Level field Path: Scheduling Center > Master Schedule> Master Schedule
Student Class Grade Detail Credit Recovery Courses have the NY Course Credit Recovery Course box checked on the NY Course Credit Recovery Screen Path: Scheduling Center > Master Schedule > NY Course Credit Recovery Before running the Student Class Grade Detail download, run a scheduling synchronization for the building. Select to delete invalid marks on the synchronization screen. Path: Mark Reporting Center > Calculations > Scheduling Synchronization
Student Class Grade Detail Run the Student Class Grade Detail Download Path: State Center > New York > Downloads > Teacher/Course Download
Student Class Grade Detail Check download Task Log Messages and correct any errors. Rerun the download if necessary Run the Student Class Grade Detail Extract Path: State Center > New York > Extracts > Teacher Course Extracts
Student Credit GPA Enter your district’s minimum and maximum possible GPA values. In the Student Credit GPA Comment field, enter a description of the GPA you are reporting. This setup must be done once for the district. Path: Administration > System Setup > District > District Data Entry > NY State Information > Select Your District
Student Credit GPA Decide which GPA type you are going to report in the extract and make note of the GPA Type code so that you can enter it on the next setup screen. Path: Mark Reporting Center > Setup > GPA Setup
Student Credit GPA Enter the Cumulative GPA Type and Course Building Type you will be reporting for each building Path: Administration > System Setup > District > Building > Building Data Entry
Student GPA Credit Run the Student Credit GPA Download Path: State Center > NY > Downloads > Student Downloads If you are running this download after rollover and you want to include your current year graduates, add the GR building type to the building type prompt on the download screen. Run the download in the school year the extract represents and be sure the Run Date is the last day of the school year.
Student GPA Credit Run the Student Credit Extract Path: State Center > NY > Extracts > Student Extracts To eliminate any students with 0 credits, use the following filter when running your extract.
Student GPA Credit To look at a student’s GPA Credit Download Record search for the student and then use the path below: Path: Student Center > State > NY Student Download Summary > NY Student Credit GPA Download
Career Path Code As of January 2016, Career Path Codes must be reported for all students reported with a credential. This field cannot be left blank for students reported with a credential. Career Path Code is a field on the Student Lite template
Career Path Code Career Path Code field is on the NY Graduation Information screen. Path: Student Center > Demographic > NY Graduation Information Note: If a graduation date is entered and the Career Path Code is left blank, the Student Lite will contain Traditional as the Career Path Code.
New Staff Student Linking Report This new report will allow users to see secondary teachers and the students assigned to their classes Path: State Center > New York > Reports > Staff Student Linking Report If the Staff ID field is left blank, then all staff with Staff Student Linking Records will be reported
New Staff Student Linking Report When run, the program will generate a CSV file that can be opened in excel to allow the user to sort and manipulate data This report only contains the data that is entered on the Student Course Linking screen. If the students start date and minutes are defaulted to what was entered on the master schedule for the secondary teacher, they will not display on the report.