WordPress Fall 2017
What is WordPress? WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool and a dynamic content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL WordPress can be used to create a presence on the www – webpage, blog, e commerce site WordPress is a very powerful, flexible, ever improving tool that can be used to create and present content on the www for free (or almost free!)
WordPress Stats 48% of Technology’s Top 100 Blogs Are Managed With WordPress 74.6 Million Sites Depend on WordPress 22% of New U.S. Registered Domains Run on WordPress WordPress.com Gets More Unique Visitors Than Amazon (Us) 29,000 WordPress Plugins and Growing Daily* **WordPress is used by over 16.7% of Alexa Internet's "top 1 million" websites and as of August 2011 manages 22% of all new websites.[4] WordPress is currently the most popular CMS in use on the Internet.[5][6] *https://managewp.com/14-surprising-statistics-about-wordpress-usage (2014) **Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WordPress
Notable WordPress Users http://fr.wordpress.com/notable-users/ http://vaniercollege.org/ http://CNN.com http://Boeing.com Etc…
vs wordpress.org http://wordpress.com/ http://wordpress.org/ is hosted by the wordpress .com site. Use a wordpress.com domain name Upgrading of features handled by wordpress.com Free, but has paid upgrade features Limited number of plugins No affiliate marketing (way to make money) Is self-hosted – user has to find his own server Need your own domain name (cost about $20/year) Upgrading managed by web creator-you! Free Over 16,000 free plug-ins
Getting Started 1. Type in your URL in search bar: vaniercollege.org/M17_your first name/
2. Click on admin login button and enter : User name: bawp Password: Bawp$1234
3. Click on Users/Add New
4.Complete the required fields, use your new G mail address for E-mail, pick a password that is secure , That you can remember
Learning about WordPress http://nyctechclub.com/how-to-make-a-wordpress-website-2015/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Jv47_VIBOQ http://codex.wordpress.org/Getting_Started_with_WordPress written explanations http://wordpress.tv/ videos of WordCamp lectures etc, WordCamps http://www.lynda.com/WordPress-tutorials/WordPress-Essential-Training/97614-2.html good introductory videos
Cont’d WordPress https://www.youtube.com/user/wpbeginner http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=549b83cc29ff23c36e5796c38&id=8664f17452&e=4f26c7ea69 Username: shahidim@vaniercollege.qc.ca Password: majidmiami http://videos.wpbeginner.com/wp-login.php
Costs of setting up a web page Hosting – cost about 10$ /month while at Vanier – free! Unlimited domains Domain name – cost about 12$ /year – need unique name – buy through site such as Godaddy.com (Hostgator in video- notice maker of video provides you with a coupon code when buying hosting services- he gets a commission..and you get a reduction in price – win-win-win) https://ca.godaddy.com/domains/searchresults.aspx?ci=83269 Our domain name: www.bawp.vaniercollege.org
Getting started with WordPress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO2YGhO5CYk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8o8u7OtuZY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVoXDk8ps10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OBfr46Y0cQ&t=330s How to Make a Wordpress Website - 2015 (in less than 45 MINUTES!) with Jameson First 7 minutes : overview of what he will show you 7- 13.21 min –skip talks about setting up domain name and hosting 13.21min on shows how to build site using Spacious Template 28 steps to creating a site (in writing) based on the video above: http://www.nyctechclub.com/how-to-make-a-wordpress-website-2015/