Background information The word democracy is one of the most used terms of the political science. The term ''democracy"' means different things to different people and that conclusion are accepted by most commentators. Democracy is a responsive rule. It is a rule by the people (demos and kratia). Conceptually, there are three basic paradigms which are addressed by contemporary commentators. These are: the universality of democracy; democracy as a process; and democracy as methods and modalities. Democracy makes them accountable and transparent who hold or want to hold powers.
Definition Democracy is a system of government which embodies, in a variety of institutions and mechanisms, the ideal of political based on the will of the people. Democracy is understood as a political system where: public decision making is subject to popular control and all citizens have an equal right to participate in this process. Lincon, former president of USA defined democracy as a system of government ruled by people, to people and from people.
The Vienna Declaration on Human Rights states: Cont’d The Vienna Declaration on Human Rights states: "Democracy is based on the freely-expressed will of the people to determine their own political, economic, social and cultural systems and their full participation in all aspects of their lives,“ As Secretary-General Boutros-Ghali said, "Democracy is not a model to be copied from certain states, but a goal to be attained by all peoples and assimilated by all cultures. It may take many forms, depending upon the characteristics and circumstances of societies.
Democracy building and democratization Democracy building is about creating the conditions that allow the principles of democracy to be put into practice. Democracy does not develop in a vacuum: international relations and actions by external parties may affect national and local realities too. Democratization is a long-term and never-ending process aiming to increase the quality of democratic institutions and processes and to build a democratic culture. It leads to a more open, more participatory, less authoritarian society.
Characteristics of Democratic Practice Participation: all people should have a voice in decision making either through electoral processes, or through civil society and interest groups or directly through citizen participation/initiatives. Rule of law: legal frameworks that are fair and impartially enforced are critical to securing human rights. Transparency: the free flow of information, especially on public needs and services and in decision making, and accountability of those in positions of power to the underlying social interests they purport to represent. Responsiveness: government should be responsive to the concerns of all major stakeholders, striving for consensus whenever possible. Equitability: all people have the opportunity to improve or maintain their wellbeing.
Basic Elements of Democracy The constitution The institutions: organ of state - media - civil society – political party Clear organs of State: the legislature, the executive and the judiciary The political system: electoral – party system Good governance: rule of law, transparency, consensus orientation, participation, equity and inclusiveness, responsiveness, accountability, effectiveness and efficiency. The credibility of democracy as a political system increasingly depends both on how it works—practices —and on whether it can deliver.
Elemental Dimensions of Democracy Human Rights Rule of Law Globalization/economy Separation of Power Good governance Democracy Pluralism Political Culture Local Self Governance Public Sphere Election Civil Society Political Parties