ME! don’t judge Understanding the Words of Jesus and


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Presentation transcript:

ME! don’t judge Understanding the Words of Jesus and A Christian’s Responsibility

Pertinent Passages Matthew 7.1 Luke 6.37 John 7.24 John 8.15

John 12.47 What is the focus of this passage? Jesus and the judgment He renders. Our individual judgments are not in the verse. Who would Jesus not judge? The one who hears and does not believe. Why would Jesus not judge him? Because he came to save, not judge. Because man was in darkness already – Jn. 12.43,46 Because judgment would come later – Jn. 12.49-50 Jesus was not coming to give condemnation without opportunity. Man would have a chance to be saved. Rejecting Jesus, though, was rejecting the only hope of avoiding condemnation. The fact that Jesus wouldn’t immediately strike someone dead was not indication that they were somehow righteous. Jesus attributes man’s justification to whether or not he accepts His words. Examining Jesus’ Words

John 8.15 What is the focus of this passage? How different the judgment of Jesus was from the judgment of the Jews. How was the judgment of the Jews flawed? “[They] judge according to the flesh”. What had they just done? – John 8.3-6 Their judgment was without spiritual perception. In contrast, Jesus “[judges] no one.” He did not judge “according to the flesh”; His judgment was righteous – John 8.16 The absence of Jesus’ judgment must be understood contextually—certainly Jesus did judge certain acts right or wrong (John 8.7,11). He did not judge according to the flesh (hypocritical judgment) [note v6]! Examining Jesus’ Words

Luke 6.37 What is the focus of this passage? Judgment, condemnation, and forgiveness. What is the context for this passage? Luke 6.31,36 The trait of mercy, even toward enemies. Jesus will proceed to decry hypocrisy (6.39ff). Jesus calls for sensible decision making (6.43-46). What is forbidden in this passage? Hypocritical and hypercritical judgment. A lack of mercy. Examining Jesus’ Words

Matthew 7.1 What is the focus of this passage? Very similar to Luke 6.37 The judgments we make. What is the context for this passage? Jesus will proceed to discuss hypocrisy and hypercritical behavior (7.2-5). What is forbidden in this passage? Hypocritical judgment. Hypercritical judgment. Note 7.5 “first… then…” Obviously Jesus does not view all “judging” the same. Judging is prohibited in 7.1. In 7.5, it is encouraged, only after self-examination. The judgment here condemned is a judgment borne from hypocrisy and a desire to be overly critical. Examining Jesus’ Words

John 7.24 What is the focus of this passage? Jesus’ rebuke of the Jews for their undue criticism of His healing of a lame man (7.21-24). What is condemned in this passage? Judgment according to appearance (cf. 8.15). What is allowed and encouraged? Righteous judgment! Upon what is righteous judgment based? Scripture! (7.22-23) Examining Jesus’ Words

Christians have a unique responsibility to address those in sin. What is Condemned? Hypocritical and hypercritical judgment (Mt. 7.1ff). Judgment according to appearance (Jn. 7.24). Judgment apart from the Scriptures (Jn. 7.21ff). Application: Jesus permits and encourages me to adjudge unscriptural teachings and behaviors as wrong. John 7.24; Luke 20.46-47 Is it wrong to come to a conclusion that a behavior or teaching is unscriptural? No! Is it wrong to address those who are engaged in unscriptural behavior or teaching? No! What does Jesus condemn as it relates to judging? Hypocrisy, Apathy, and Hypercritical judgment. What does Jesus want us to be able to do? Romans 12.9 Christians have a unique responsibility to address those in sin. 2 Timothy 2.2; Galatians 6.1ff don’t judge?