Leadership Development at YouthBuild Hello. Today I’d like to talk with you about Leadership Development in YouthBuild. Specifically, Why leadership development is important What leadership development is, and How to do leadership development in a YouthBuild program We’ll also explore some pitfalls and obstacles to leadership development. Your questions and concerns are welcomed throughout. Leadership development is an exciting and challenging part of the YB program.
Examples of Leadership Development and Youth Voice in YouthBuild Programs By now, you are probably getting the idea that Leadership Development in a YB program is not just a workshop on Friday afternoon. So now let’s go through the components of a YB program to see how leadership development can be woven into every part, every day. 2
Leadership Development in Classroom Structure Students: help decide classroom activities are responsible for finishing and correcting own work have opportunities to work in teams teach each other rotate leadership jobs in classroom participate in evaluating teachers First, there is LD in the structure of the classroom. SLIDE 21
Leadership Development in Classroom Content Students: Research topic of community concern or current event Make a presentation to class or whole program on a community issue Participate in formal debate Write letters to the editor or Congressperson Visit and dialogue with public officials Use “Blueprint for Democracy”, a civic engagement curriculum from YouthBuild USA Study history and culture of the racial and ethnic groups of students Study the movements of poor people for equal opportunity Then there is LD opportunities in the content of a YB classroom, and ideal place to learn and study about leadership. SLIDE 22
Leadership Development on Construction Worksite Young people: learn overview of entire construction process rotate leadership roles: crew chiefs, safety coordinator; site steward responsible for calling for breaks, cleanup, attendance; making store runs; photographer who documents work; a tool captain who signs out tools and conducts inventory go to contract negotiations or City Hall to pull the permits help plan, estimate materials, schedule the work help solve particular problems such as meeting a deadline, keeping the site cleaner, improving attendance, or improving teamwork. give tours to visitors to the site evaluate the construction staff and each other The construction worksite is a perfect environment for learning leadership skills. Here are some of the ways YB sites do LD on the worksite. SLIDE 23
Leadership Development in the Counseling Component Young people strengthen their leadership by: learning to lead discussion groups learning to do peer counseling practicing peer mediation and conflict-resolution skills exploring cultural diversity issues making individual leadership development and life plans learning to better navigate external world SLIDE 24
Sample Leadership Competencies Personal skills that are critical leadership development skills include ability to: demonstrate consistency and responsibility on a daily basis negotiate effectively for oneself resolve conflicts constructively communicate about issues of cultural identity in a positive manner listen and communicate effectively lead constructive small group discussions clarify personal values; walk one’s talk Here are some sample leadership skills that are valued by employers, by colleges, by friends, and by one’s family and children. These can be emphasized throughout the program, by all staff and students. SLIDE 25
Leadership Policy Committee 6-8 elected youth, director, and a staff rep clear criteria for being and remaining a member serious training: on how to read a budget, form an agenda, lead a productive meeting, use consensus decision-making, listen well, conduct interviews structured respect: private weekly meetings with director, prepared agenda serious tasks: hire staff, review budget, make program decisions good group process: brainstorming, equal-time, twice-once rule, go-arounds, validations accountability to and from students and staff A program policy committee is a key training ground for leadership. In YB here’s what it looks like. You can adapt it to fit your program. Serious training. YP don’t usually come with the skills for effective leadership work. Take their development seriously. Serious respect: It is crucial that YP meet with director, the person with the most power in the YB program. Why? If they meet with the counselor, who might be a wonderful staff person, the decisions they make will still need to be okayed by the director. Have the director there from the beginning. YP will experience more respect. Serious tasks: I was a student leaders in high school. We got to make important decisions like whether to get a Coke machine or a Pepsi machine in the cafeteria. In YB, PC makes substantive decisions. Good group process. Teach process that will make for effective meetings and also be useful throughout the lives of the young people. SLIDE 26
Leadership Development in Program Operations Young people: are assumed and expected to be leaders help make program rules and discipline policies accompany director on fundraising visits take turns being office receptionist, answering phones, doing data entry lead morning meetings and program events show visitors around; handle press interviews care for the physical environment: re-cycle, conserve energy, care for equipment There are many ways to provide leadership experiences in the general operations of the program. It begins with an attitude and an expectation, namely that: Young people are assumed to be leaders. YB yp have often been raising families of their own or been the oldest child responsible for young sisters and brothers. Or maybe they were involved in gangs and have experience with security systems, market systems, distribution systems, and such. YB calls on this leadership experience. […elaborate on the list, if necessary or desirable.] SLIDE 27
Leadership Development in the Wider Community Young people can: choose and organize community service projects offer tutoring, computer skills, mentoring to younger children do presentations in schools about staying in school, off drugs make presentations to policy makers about needed changes organize and host community youth conferences There are lots of ways YB students can practice leadership in the community. For example…[bring in the examples one by one, elaborate with specifics if possible] SLIDE 28