Employability Skills Chapter 5
Professional Organizations Designed to have individuals work together to reach a goal by cooperation and divide the tasks among themselves. Increase worker satisfaction Increased productivity and quality
Student Organizations Provides a way to learn behavior & skills necessary to succeed in school, on the job, and as citizens
Leadership Styles Autocratic By example Coaching Delegating Democratic Leader makes all decisions By example Leader is role model Coaching Leader explains decisions, asks for suggestions, supervises projects Delegating Responsibility is given to others Democratic Everyone considered equal Directing Leader provides instruction & supervision Laissez-faire Nobody is in charge Situational Leader adapts & changes depending on situation Supporting Leader assists & shares decision making
Benefits of student organizations Interact with other people who have the same interest Sharpen skills through competitions Develop leadership ability
Parliamentary Procedure Set of rules used to conduct a meeting Maintains a sense of order Decisions are made through a process of motions, debates, and voting.
1/3 of a person’s life is spent working Career Planning 1/3 of a person’s life is spent working Application, resume, and interviews are used to determine who is the best person
Application Some positions may require a letter of application Applications used to determine who gets interviews
Resume Also known as a personal data sheet Include education, work experience, skills, achievements, and other activities.
Personal Portfolio Resume Writing sample Description of work experience List of skills
Job Interview First interview occurs when the application is obtained from receptionist Interview provides the employer a chance to evaluate the applicant. Provides the applicant time to ask questions that pertain to the company
Preparing for the Job Interview Dress Appropriately Arrive 5 minutes early Greet the receptionist nicely Present yourself in a confident manner Remain standing until asked to sit Sit comfortably, but conservatively
Preparing for the Job Interview Answer questions completely Maintain eye contact Ask questions Thank the interviewer Leave the building when the interview is complete
Now that you have the job what about the money How much do you need compared to how much are you making?
Resignation Allow for two weeks, so that the employer may try to find someone to replace you