JOURNAL QUESTION: List all the different contraceptive devices you can think of (the pill, condoms, etc.). To the best of your knowledge, explain how they work. What do you think about using contraception?
Method % of Women Experiencing an Unintended Pregnancy within the First Year of Use Typical Use Perfect Use No Method 85 Spermicides 29 18 Withdrawal 27 4 Periodic Abstinence • Calendar N/A 9 • Ovulation Method 3 • Sympto-thermal 2 • Post-ovulation 1
Diaphragm 16 6 Contraceptive Sponge • never given birth before 9 • previously given birth 32 20 Condom • Female (Reality) 21 5 • Male 15 2 Combined Pill and Minipill 8 0.3
Evra Patch 8 0.3 NuvaRing Depo-Provera 3 IUD • ParaGard (copper T) 0.8 0.6 • Mirena (LNG-IUS) 0.1 Female Sterilization 0.5 Male Sterilization 0.15 0.10
THE PILL & THE MINI-PILL Also known as the “Combination Pill” because it utilizes two hormones: Estrogen Progesterone THE MINI-PILL This uses only progestin (a synthetic form of progesterone) Every pill (in a 28-pill pack) contains the hormone (there are no “spacers”)
PRACTICAL POINTS… There is absolutely no 100% effective contraceptive method (see chart) There are some reproductive technologies that are extremely effective (99% for perfect-use) The most effective methods introduce hormones into the woman’s body Question of health risks
POINTS ON CONTRACEPTION: Up until 1930, every Christian Church denounced using contraception The Church of England and the National Council of Churches accepted marital contraception in 1930-1931 From 1930 onwards, the Catholic Church has still taught that using contraception is sinful
HUMANAE VITAE Encyclical written by Pope Paul VI in 1968 This encyclical discusses artificial contraception and its connection to sex It states that “sexual intercourse which is deliberately contraceptive…is intrinsically wrong.” (#14) However, 75% of Catholics believe it is OK to be a faithful Catholic and use contraception.
Consequences of Artificial Methods This document was written 40 years ago and made some predictions about birth control: It leads to marital infidelity A general lowering of moral standards Men “may forget the reverence due to a woman” (#17) Men “reduce [women] to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires”
WHAT DO YOU THINK? Was he right?