Working in partnership with Thames Water FWAG South East and Wild Oxfordshire are working in partnership with Thames Water to help farmers improve water quality in the Ock catchment. We are offering free advice, free spreader calibration and cash incentives for using ferric phosphate as an alternative to metaldehyde. Contact Tim Clarke on 07713 333196 to find out more. Why the River Ock project matters Metaldehyde from slug pellets in river water is not well removed by current water treatment processes, and therefore causes problems for water companies. “Over recent years water companies have been required to identify “catchment management actions” to prevent metaldehyde contamination of water supply at abstractions. Autumn 2016 will be the last season water companies have to evaluate how catchment management is working before providing reports to the regulator. This will inform how metaldehyde will be dealt with in the longer term. Wet conditions earlier this year indicate the likelihood of large populations of slugs this autumn, so the stakes are high, not only to control slugs, but also to keep the chemical commercially available.” Tom Ormesher, Environment & Land Use Adviser, NFU South East Region Progress to date – Product substitution trial We have had an overwhelmingly positive response from the farmers and agronomists in the Ock catchment. Farmers managing approximately 80% of the high risk arable land in the catchment have signed up to the product substitution trial so far. If you would like to sign up then please contact us for more information (details overleaf). The Benefits of Ferric Phosphate There are no restrictions on application, unlike for metaldehyde. It is insoluble, so it does not leach out of the pellet in wet conditions, making it effective for longer. Remember, it works in a different way to metaldehyde. Ferric phosphate causes the slugs to stop feeding straight away, and they then move underground and die, so you won’t see dead slugs on the soil surface. Training and spreader calibration Thames Water is still offering free spreader calibrations and PA4S training in the area. To find out if you are eligible please contact us (details overleaf).
Working in partnership with Thames Water Metaldehyde: The results so far Slug pressure during August and September 2016 has at times been high, and we have seen a rise in metaldehyde concentrations in the River Ock, similar to that seen in September last year. Now that the many farmers will be using ferric phosphate instead of metaldehyde on high risk land, we are hoping that concentrations will remain below the drinking water standard (0.1µg/l). Tour of Farmoor Water Treatment Works – 7th December (10pm-1pm) Thames Water and the Campaign for the Farmed Environment are holding a tour of Farmoor Water Treatment Works. This is an excellent chance to understand the challenges that face the water industry, and how you can help, as well as seeing where your water comes from. If you would like to join this fascinating tour, get in touch with Tim Clarke or call the CFE booking line on 02476 858 897. #SlugAware App and Metaldehyde Stewardship Group Have you tried the new SlugAware App? It helps users to assess the risk of slug and snail activity on a field-by-field basis before making applications. The WaterAware and SlugAware Apps are free to download from Apple or Google Play. Basis and NRoSO points are available for using the apps. If metaldehyde is still used on-farm, we encourage best practice to be followed as set by the Metaldehyde Stewardship Group. For more information visit the MSG website: Product Substitution Trial – registration and claims There are two online forms - a registration form and a subsidy claim form (links below). It is not essential to complete the registration form now, but it will save time at the claim stage. Registration form - Claim from - Remember you will still need to post or email copies of invoices, and either post your field application records or fill in those details online. The online form is as an alternative to the paper versions that have been used previously. You can still claim using the original forms if preferred. Contact Us For any more information about anything in this newsletter contact Tim Clarke (FWAG SE) on 07713 333196 or email