5TH Grade Newsletter Message From Reminders The Teachers Aug. 29- Sept. 2, 2016 Message From The Teachers Reminders Muffins for Mom 9/2 Labor Day – No School Monday, Sept. 5 Donuts for Dad 9/9 Open House 9/12 We are excited to welcome Mrs. Terry to the 5th grade team as our new homeroom teacher which allowed us to split the students into smaller groups. We also look forward to starting the AWIN Science Club on Monday, Sept. 12 from 2:30 – 4:30. If your child applied and was selected, their letter will be included. What’s Coming Up In… Contact Information ELA Universal Declaration of Human Rights Science Inherited Traits & Learned Behaviors Social Studies Civil War Math Order of Operation Ms. Webb webbmr@troup.org Mrs. Childers childersje@troup.org Mrs. Terry terryyh@troup.org (706) 883-1570 Remind 101 To sign up, please text @BWES5 to 81010 to receive important updates and reminders