NWPC-WA Managing and Working with Volunteers Mercedes elizalde
Campaign Volunteers Importance and Impact Ways to Connect and Recruit Roles and Responsibilities
Importance and Impact Get out the vote (GOTV): Average volunteer can make 35 phone calls or canvas 25 homes per hour http://www.wellstone.org/sites/default/ files/attachments/Voter-Contact- Formulas_0.pdf
Ways to Connect and Recruit Have roles and responsibilities identified early Sign up sheets Google Forms Volunteer lead/manager Call to Action Emails Social Media Direct and time specified Website Events
Roles and Responsibilities Phone Banking Door-Belling Event support (set up, take down, sign in, message patrol) Social media management (photos!) Newsletters Material production and distribution Candidate support (don’t do it alone)
Questions? Mercedes Elizalde mercedese4@gmail.com 206-588-6658