Utilization of bim during architectural study Robert BOUŠKA, Renáta SCHNEIDEROVÁ HERALOVÁ Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU, Prague, Czech Republic, robert.bouska@fsv.cvut.cz
Objectives Map common work processes during architectural study Analysis of current practice of BIM utilization in small architecture firms The main research objective was to create a step-by-step program for process of creation and implementation of BIM based workflow into the small architectural firm.
Methods In the aim of this research, six different small architectural firms were selected. Six young (all about 30 years old) architects were interviewed to analyze their work habits and to find out their level of experience with information modeling. This interview helped to identify ways of incorporating BIM into their workflow. Lastly, it studied their focus on sustainable design. Based on answers a typical data sharing diagram was developed to visualize processes inside architectural firms.
Results BIM implementation proposal - This part of the paper presents guideline, which will help, not only to define right BIM tools, but also incorporate them into the firm’s culture. Model publication checklist proposition