Agricultural Inputs and Land Values Bryon J. Parman, Ph.d. Mississippi State University Department of Agricultural Economics Mississippi State Extension Service
Fuels Markets Greenville Ag. Diesel Birmingham, AL
Fertilizer Costs, National Averages
Cost per Lb. of Nitrogen
Cost for K/Potash
Yearly Average Phosphate Prices $/Metric Ton
Seed Price Index
Self Propelled Equipment Index
National Animal Feed Price Index
Historical Percentage Changes in Ag. Land Values 1980’s Crash Would take an 11%/year growth rate for 5 years To recover from a 40% drop Great Depression
11th Federal Reserve District (Texas)
Land Values in the 10th Federal Reserve District (OK, KS, RMT’s, Neb, Mizzou)
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Ag. Finance Monitor, Q1 2017
Volume of Farmland Sales from the 10th Federal Reserve District
Mississippi Ag. Lender Survey
Mississippi Land Sales Values in $/Acre Average Min Max Delta Dryland $3,287 $2,500 $4,000 Delta Irrigated $4,653 $3,500 $5,500 Non-Delta Dryland $2,625 $1,600 $3,800 Non-Delta Irrigated $3,119 Pastureland $2,309 $1,500 Data From: Mississippi Farm Financial Professionals Annual Survey, May 2017
Mississippi State Land Survey’s 2015-2017 Land Sales Values in $/Acre Region 2015 2016 *2017 Delta Dryland 3,163 3,176 3,287 Delta Irrigated 4,639 4,545 4,453 Non-Delta Dry 2,457 2,417 2,625 Non-Delta Irrigated 3,061 3,058 3,119 Pasture 2,455 1,803 2,309 % Change within survey margin of error
MSU Survey Timber Land Values in $/Acre 2017 Data Average Minimum Maximum Mature Pine 2,392 1,000 3,300 Mature Hardwood 2,250 3,500 Year 2015 2016 2017 Mature Pine 2,300 2,069 2,392 Mature Hardwood 2,545 2,470 2,250
New Housing Starts since 1980
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Ag. Finance Monitor, Q1 2017
Cash Rents in the 10th Federal Reserve District
Cash Rents in the 11th Federal Reserve District
Mississippi Land Cash Rents in $/Acre Average Min Max Delta Dryland $112 $85 $175 Delta Irrigated $173 $140 $225 Non-Delta Dryland $78 $50 $165 Non-Delta Irrigated $132 $100 $185 Pastureland $28 $20
Mississippi State Land Survey’s 2015-2017 Cash Rents in $/Acre Region 2015 2016 *2017 Delta Dryland 124 117 112 Delta Irrigated 191 176 172 Non-Delta Dry 105 79 Non-Delta Irrigated 145 132 Pasture 34 31 28 % Change within survey margin of error
Recently Historic Cap-rates & ROE Rent And Sales Value Cap Rate Return on Equity Mississippi 2015 (Delta Irrigated) $191 $4,600 4.1% (-3.9%) W.C. Indiana 2013 (Poor) $220 $7,500 2.9% (-5.11%) Indiana 2013 $175 $5,600 3.1% (-4.9%) Rent needed for Even ROE Indiana 2013 $336.42/Acre Band of Investment Formula ****Assuming 75% on Rm and 25% on Re…..Implies a mortgage constant at 5% interest of 0.0802
Farmland Area/Type Land Value Cash Rent ROE Delta Irr (Break Even) $4,453 ($2,686)** $172 ($267)* -8.3% Delta, Non-Irr $3,287 ($1,867)** $112 ($197)* -10% Non-Delta, Irr $3,119 ($2,134)** $128 ($187)* -7.3% Non-Delta, Non-Irr $2,625 ($1,300)** $78 ($157)* -12% Pasture Land $2,309 ($473)** $28.33 ($138)* -19%
Summary Input Costs Land – Sales mostly flat Seed – Leveling off Rents Coming Down Seed – Leveling off Fertilizer – Leveling off, or falling for some fertilizers Equipment – Leveling off When rent is included, costs exceed revenues in most southeastern ag. enterprises in 2016-2017.
Thank You Bryon J. Parman Mississippi State University Department of Agricultural Economics Mississippi State University Extension Service 662-325-2887