Support for English, maths and ESOL Module 5 Integrating English, maths and ICT into apprenticeship programmes.


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Presentation transcript:

Support for English, maths and ESOL Module 5 Integrating English, maths and ICT into apprenticeship programmes

To enable practitioners to raise learner Aim To enable practitioners to raise learner achievement by integrating the development of English, maths and ICT skills into vocational teaching and learning, including apprenticeships

Learning outcomes By the end of the session participants will be able to: Understand and explain why English, maths and ICT development should be central to apprenticeship and vocational teaching and learning Identify the planning elements for an integrated or embedded programme Ensure the integration of English, maths and ICT expertise in the planning and delivery of apprenticeship / vocational teaching Recognise how to support individual learners through differentiated activity Access resources to support an integrated / embedded approach Confirm increased personal confidence in the techniques of integrating English, maths and ICT Commit to specific actions to integrate English, maths and ICT into their own teaching and the organisation

Research from the Basic Skills Agency What level of speaking and listening skills do learners need? Speaking and listening levels for 40 Level 1 standards Speaking and listening levels for 40 Level 2 standards L1 90% L2 9% E3 1% L1 63% L2 35% E3 2%

Research from the Basic Skills Agency What level of reading skills do learners need? Reading levels for 40 Level 1 standards Reading levels for 40 Level 2 standards L2 61% L2 46% E3 1% L1 52% L1 38% E3 2%

Research from the Basic Skills Agency What level of writing skills do learners need? Writing levels for 40 Level 1 standards Writing levels for 40 Level 2 standards L1 83% L2 14% E3 3% L1 67% L2 31% E3 2%

Research from the Basic Skills Agency What level of numeracy skills do learners need? Numeracy levels for 40 Level 1 standards Numeracy levels for 40 Level 2 standards L1 93% E3 7% L1 67% L2 22% E3 11%

Support for English, maths and ESOL “There is growing evidence of the need amongst employees for a more complex combination of skills than in the past, including a combination of ICT and mathematical literacies.” Review of research and evaluation on improving adult literacy and numeracy skills Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) December 2011

Support for English, maths and ESOL Functional skills Is this my responsibility? Functional skills are not just about knowledge in English, maths and ICT. They are also about knowing when and how to use the knowledge in real-life situations. For learners to become functional users of maths, English and ICT, they need to practise carrying out English, maths and ICT tasks in realistic contexts.

Finding the expertise To raise your learners’ skills levels in English, maths and ICT… Develop a whole organisation approach to English, maths and ICT Develop your own personal English, maths and ICT skills Obtain a personal qualification in English, maths and/or ICT Incorporate English, maths and ICT development in all your programme planning Compile a list of websites and online tools to support you Work in partnership with English, maths or ICT experts Develop a bank of resources for independent learning Recruit English, maths or ICT experts to your team

A whole organisation approach to English, maths and ESOL Key features Leadership by senior management Steering group or committee Whole organisation strategy Partnerships and teamwork Staff development and CPD programme Quality framework Marketing and recruitment policy Organisational values Performance management Funding and resources Teaching and learning

BIS Review – December 2011 There is strong evidence to confirm the importance of the following features of literacy, language and numeracy: the benefits of embedding English and maths in vocational programmes the positive impact on learners of working with qualified teachers the personal and social impact of English and maths skills the need for multiple ways of engaging in learning – in class, self study, distance learning, ICT supported learning Review of research and evaluation on improving adult literacy and numeracy skills BIS, December 2011

BIS Review – December 2011 “Retention rates and success rates are higher on vocational programmes where literacy and numeracy learning is embedded, as compared with non-embedded programmes.” “The sector should continue to work towards achieving a fully-qualified workforce.” “Embedded provision should be promoted and treated as a standard option and not as an exception for Level 1 and 2 vocational courses.” Review of research and evaluation on improving adult literacy and numeracy skills BIS, December 2011

Defining embedded / integrated learning “Embedded teaching and learning combines the development of literacy, language and numeracy with vocational and other skills. “The skills acquired provide learners with the confidence, competence and motivation necessary for them to succeed in qualifications, in life and at work.” DfES, 2004 “Literacy, language and numeracy skills practice and development is integral to and inseparable from vocational training.” 2009

“You wouldn’t expect a maths teacher to teach plastering ….” NRDC 2006 This research found that where literacy, language and numeracy were embedded: Retention on programmes was higher, particularly at Level 2 Success rates in the vocational subject were higher Learners were more likely to achieve literacy and numeracy qualifications Learners believed that they were better prepared for their work

Activity 6 PAINTING A ROOM In small groups of 3 or 4: Consult the handout presenting the learner activity: Painting a room. 2. Read the sample plan and agree together: What is the activity? What is the follow-up activity that adds complexity? What skills are needed for completion of the activity? What skills form the focus of the session? Where can you find a reference to ‘mapping’ on the handout and what does it mean? What is meant by ‘development strategies’? 3. Using the blank template, prepare an integrated plan for a vocational or apprenticeship activity of your choice.

Activity 7 Supporting your learners In pairs: Describe to each other one learner you know whose English, maths or ICT skills are a barrier to success. Together think of as many strategies as possible for helping each learner. Make notes of the issues they encounter.

Supporting the learner 1 assessment Diagnostic Individual Learning Plan Formative Summative Signposting referral and Initial

Supporting the learner 2 Assessment, monitoring and review Interactive working online Peer to peer working Raising learner achievement in English, maths and ICT Self-paced learning on and off line Discrete tutoring and support

Supporting the learner 3 Blended learning Blended learning is a flexible approach that combines face-to-face teaching and learning with self-paced and online collaborative working.

Support for English, maths and ESOL Learning outcomes: Understand and explain why English, maths and ICT development should be central to apprenticeship and vocational teaching and learning Identify the planning elements for an integrated or embedded programme Ensure the integration of English, maths and ICT expertise in the planning and delivery of apprenticeship / vocational teaching Recognise how to support individual learners through differentiated activity Access resources to support an integrated / embedded approach Confirm increased personal confidence in the techniques of integrating English, maths and ICT Commit to specific actions to integrate English, maths and ICT into their own teaching and the organisation