Welcome to Thurso High School’s S2 Parents’ Evening “This is your world. Shape it or someone else will.” Gary Lew
The journey through Curriculum for Excellence CfE consists of two phases – the Broad General Education that takes pupils through to the end of S3, followed by the Senior Phase S4-S6. All children should receive a rounded education, from early years (Pre school and P1) through Primary and to the end of S3, before moving on to their senior phase in S4 to S6. This broad general education should provide young people with a wide range of knowledge, skills and experiences that they can draw on as their lives, careers and job opportunities continue to change. In Nursery/Playgroup through Primary School they have experienced Curriculum for Excellence levels from Early, First to Second level. By the end of their Primary years some may have achieved all of level 2, some may have just finished level 1. When they arrive in Thurso High School in S1 they have the opportunity to then experience CfE at Levels 3, 4 or even beyond Level 4 - in a wide range of subjects from each of the eight curricular areas. The broad general education phase of CfE is closely connected to the senior phase with the learning undertaken up until the end of S3 providing a strong foundation for choosing and specialising in a range of subjects. S3 is a very important part of the Broad General Education.
The BGE - S1 and S2 In S1 and S2 pupils have had a set curriculum covering all eight curricular areas. These are: •Expressive Arts •Languages and Literacy •Mathematics and Numeracy •Religious and Moral Education •Sciences •Social Studies •Technologies All of the above areas are underpinned by Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing
The BGE – S3 S3 is different as pupils now have the opportunity for personalisation and choice in preparation for making their choices for the Senior Phase (S4/5/6).
Thurso High School - the Broad General Education in S3 Pupils in S3 study Maths and English and core subjects of PE, RE and PSE. They also study an additional language to English. This could be French or German or Languages for Life. As well as this they have had a further choice of up to eight subjects. Courses are differentiated and pupils work mostly within Levels 3 and 4 and some beyond Level 4. In S1 and S2 the curriculum is the same for all but in S3 pupils are able to make choices in their subjects. They must all study what are known as the core subjects which are Physical Education (PE), Personal and Social Education (PSE) and Religious & Moral Education (RME). They must also all study Maths and English and a further language. After this they have the choice of up to eight further subjects that cover all of the curricular areas. Courses are differentiated and pupils work mostly within Levels 3 and 4 and some beyond Level 4. These courses are not certificated but pupils are gaining knowledge and skills that will allow them to gain their first set of SQA awards in S4.
Thurso High School - the Broad General Education in S3 This model allows all students the opportunity to choose from subjects across all areas of the curriculum thus retaining a good breadth of curriculum, while still allowing pupils to study subjects in which they have an interest. In addition it provides the opportunity to deepen learning in all of these areas before a further choice is made in S4.
Thurso High School - the Broad General Education in S3 These courses are not certificated but pupils are gaining knowledge and skills that will allow them to gain their first set of SQA awards in S4. The level they achieve in S3 will determine the level at which they study for their National exams.
S3 is the basis for future progress… S3 is a key stage in your child’s education. It is vital as a foundation to S4 and beyond. How your child achieves in S3 will determine the level at which they can study in S4. The work ethic and motivation they demonstrate, and the skills they learn in S3 will help them to achieve the best they can as they move through the Senior Phase. Although S3 is part of the BGE and the Senior Phase is where certification takes place, all years in the junior phase and, in particular, S3 are vital as a foundation to S4 and beyond. The Senior Phase is a planned progression from the BGE. It is when pupils ‘capture their learning in qualification’. An extremely important question for teachers and pupils therefore, is to ensure that the work of S3 has delivered them to the very best possible starting point for their chosen pathway through the Senior Phase; skills have been taught in S3 that prepare pupils for S4. Success or failure in the may hang on the experience in S3.
S3 Subjects The subjects from which pupils may choose in S3 are: Art & Design, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, History, Geography, Modern Studies, Engineering Science, Woodwork, Graphic Design, Music, Physical Education, Sport Education, French, German, Languages for Life, Religious Studies, Dance, Home Economics, Drama
S3 Subject Information Information on all these subjects can be found on the THS website : www.thursohighschool.wordpress.com
We do our best to allow pupils to make the choices they want but sometimes due to staffing some classes may not be able to run and pupils will have to re – choose.
The S3 Choice Form You may only choose at most two subjects from the Technologies curricular area (Engineering Science, Woodwork, Graphic Design) and you must choose at least one language other than English (French, Languages for Life (French), Languages for Life, (German), German). You cannot choose any subject more than once.
S3 choices… When considering options with your child remember the following: 11 subjects studied in S3 must narrow to 6 in S4 and then 5 in S5. What progression is available in each subject (see the handout sheet)? What subjects do they need for their career choice? What subjects have they been doing well in? Consider the information in their recent School Report. What subjects do they enjoy? Remember unfortunately some courses may not run – staffing position. 11 subjects studied in S3 must narrow to 6 in S4 and then 5 in S5 and a max of 5 in S6. S4 & 5 pupils must have a full timetable – S6 pupils may have a free Block for the S6 Opportunities programme that you will hear about shortly. What progression is available in each subject? What subjects do they need for their career choice? What subjects have they been doing well in? Consider all the information in progress Reports that has gone home over the past year. What subjects do they enjoy? Remember unfortunately some courses may not run – staffing position. There are constraints on what they can choose but they can always pick up a subject in S5 or S6 if you can’t study it in S4 – it is a three year programme. The College Link programme offers many subjects complementary to those offered in THS.
Pastoral care in the BGE PTPSs are there to advise and support pupils to make informed and carefully considered choices appropriate to their future plans. Advice over subject and level is also based on pupils’ prior attainment as evidenced in their School Report and Tracking. PTPSs review the progress of pupils and discuss this with pupils and parents as appropriate.
Looking forwards – the Senior Phase We aim to give every pupil a flexible pathway that will allow each of them to achieve at the highest level they possibly can in a timeframe that suits them best. We aim to ensure that pupils have the qualifications, skills and attributes to make a successful transfer from school to employment, training, college or university. The Senior Phase is a planned progression from the BGE. It is when pupils ‘capture their learning in qualification’. These are the years where they are gain certification that will allow them to achieve their goals. Flexible pathways – ½ or 3 years to achieve a level if necessary. Not just qualifications but skills, values and experiences that will allow them to be the best they can be in life.
Looking forwards – the Senior Phase S4 In S4 pupils will choose 6 subjects, including Maths and English, at National level. They may study at National 2, 3, 4 or 5, depending on their progress in S1-3.
Looking forwards – the Senior Phase - North Highland College In the Senior Phase pupils may choose options from the North Highland College School Link programme. Subjects include: Psychology, Hairdressing, Care, Rural Studies, Engineering, Business Management, Computing, Early Education & Child Care, Construction, Beauty Therapy, Cookery….
Looking forwards – the Senior Phase S5 In S5 pupils will choose 5 subjects. They may study at National 2, 3, 4, 5 or Higher depending on their progress in S4.
Looking forwards – the Senior Phase S6 In S6 pupils will choose different numbers of subjects (maximum of 5), depending on the level. They may study at National 2, 3, 4, 5, Higher or Advanced Higher depending on their progress in S5. They also take part in the Sixth Year Opportunities programme – committees, volunteering, community placements,…..
Summary of the options in the Senior Phase In the course of S3 pupils will have to make choices for S4 which will not be very different to the set of subjects they will be studying in S5, therefore they need to have a clear idea of where they want to go in the Senior Phase. They need to know what the options are for progression through the Senior Phase.
The Senior Phase - certification There is a rising spiral of difficulty from National 1 to Advanced Higher… National 1/2/3 where pupils must pass 3 Units that are internally assessed. National 4 where pupils must pass 3 Units plus pass an Added Value Unit where they apply knowledge and skills from the units; all internally assessed. In the senior phase, young people will have the opportunity to take qualifications and courses that suit their ability and interests. Mrs Mackay will talk in a minute about the processes involved in these qualifications. National 5, Higher, Advanced Higher where pupils must pass 3 units that are internally assessed, plus in some cases complete an Added Value coursework and usually sit an external exam in May.
Importance of the level achieved in S3 and the flexibility of the pathways through the Senior Phase Different routes to success 1 or 2 year courses – units in year 1 and external exam in year 2 Sideways move to different subject – upwards progression not always appropriate.
Further information www.youngscot.org www.parentzonescotland.gov.uk www.employersandyoungpeople.co.uk www.sqa.org.uk www.ltscotland.org.uk www.scotland.gov.uk/cfeinaction http://www.npfs.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/NPFS_world_of_possibilities_1509_E.pdf https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/glowblogs/NPF/nationals-in-anutshell www.educationscotland.gov.uk/parentzone THS website SQA exam timetable National Parent Forum of Scotland National in a Nutshell Education Scotland