Aims of the session: To inform parents & carers about the government’s new entitlements for working parents To inform parents & carers about the extended childcare offer at Stamford Hill, starting September 2017
What’s happening this year ●This year the government is introducing new support to help working families with the cost of childcare: • Tax-Free Childcare - will be available to around two million working households. For every £8 parents pay into an online account, the Government will pay £2 – up to a maximum annual contribution of £2,000 per child (£4000 for disabled children). • 30 Hours Free Childcare - available from September 2017, on top of the existing 15 hours free entitlement. ● A new childcare service will allow parents to apply for both Tax-Free Childcare and 30 hours in one simple application.
Eligibility for 30 hours free childcare (age 3-4) - Parents are working (can be two-parent family or lone parent) Earning equivalent of 16 hours a week at the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage Income cap of £100K Includes zero-hours contracts and self-employed One or both parents away on leave (maternity leave etc) One or both parents is on statutory sick pay One parent is employed and the other parent has either: substantial caring responsibilities/and or disability
How the free 30 hours in nursery will work at Stamford Hill: 8.30-11.30 Lunch 12.30-3.30 Monday 3 1 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday - Child attends Monday to Friday 8.30 – 3.30, which equals 35 hours - Parent pays for one 3 hour session (£15) - Receives 32 hours free (bonus 2 hours)
From September 2017 Stamford Hill will be offering: A free breakfast club from 7.30am (parents of children under 5 will need to put name on list at office) Affordable after school provision until 6pm - £10 per session (3.15 – 6pm) Free 30 hour nursery places (option to top up if family not eligible) Free and paid for places for 2 year olds Demand is likely to be high – all places are subject to availability so please register your interest with the office ASAP
Prices (beginning September 2017) Breakfast club: FREE After school club: £10 per session Nursery top up: £15 per session Two year old top up: £20 per session
What you need to do: Families with 2, 3 and 4 year olds: check eligibility at If eligible for free childcare, bring eligibility code to school office ASAP (if not eligible, normal admissions procedure via school office applies) If you require breakfast and / or after school club, inform the office ASAP, before end of this half term All families: If you require after school club, inform the office ASAP, before end of this half term Check eligibility for tax free childcare at